You know, if WMC is included (but not installable by design) when they create builds, in 10537 for example, why doesn't Microsoft just include it for the people who want to install it? Why are they else still in the builds? I know they get stripped for the final release but why is it even there?
mcupdate worked correctly for me on Win 10 b 10537, even using WMC b9600. And it was the first time it happened w/o the need of some manual intervention.
i STILL cant get the damn elevated cmd to come up, its still bombs out. any disadvantages to running runassytem directly as admin?
Yes, most parts will get access denied btw, what runassytem exactly? could you open admin cmd in the same directory and type _TestRights.cmd then post the output
No guide on b10537. But no mcupdate crashes or other problems either, as seen on previous 10xxx builds, seem just that the server won't serve that version Got also some messages about misconfigured mcupdate_scheduled task.
i assume its the run as admin cmd prompt that is SUPPOSED to come up after you run testrights. i installed v6 using it fine last night, just wondering if bypassing the outter script will have any effect. i will edit this post with your requested output edit: that figures, running _TestRights.cmd from an admin command prompt actually brings up the 2nd command window. running _TestRights.cmd as admin directly does not.
Back to v6/9600 w/o even a reboot, the guide arrived at first attempt. Win 10537 + WMC 9600 proved again to be the best combination so far.
Using .bat files directly will give access denied for most operations specially register and access permissions == both should serve the same result.. never had an error maybe some tweak changed your system behaviour
its pretty fresh, but i suppose anything is possible. as long as running runassystem.exe directly has no ill effect, i could care less.