[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. Paul1965

    Paul1965 MDL Member

    Dec 3, 2013
    #1521 Paul1965, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    For anyone that uses the IPconfig /flushdns command, make sure you actually have full Internet access when you're done. I ran into an issue where I flushed the DNS yesterday and rebooted. Once the PC was back up and running, the LAN icon showed that I was connected to my network but had no Internet access. A quick check of FF and IE said I did, so I just assumed the icon had loaded wrong and I moved on. Well today I tried reinstalling MC but kept getting prompted to test my Internet connection, which always failed, along with any attempt to d/l the Guide (it kept saying due to previous errors). I then tried running Windows Live email and it too said I had no Internet. So just for the hell of it, I did a system restore to 3 days ago and rebooted the modem. Now I have full Internet access AND MC reinstalled and downloaded the Guide without any issues, and for now at least, it's good for 13 days.
  2. The Mac

    The Mac MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2015
    if you hit properties on the zip file and unblock it, all the stuff in the archive should inherit.
  3. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015

    Is it possible we can add these to the list or pulled with an installer so we can try this ?

    I have a 8.1 CLEAN machine, that I installed your v6 on, that still cant play live TV due to the decoder issue. My goal is to leave this machine as is, and if we can get these files to install, to drop them on this machine and see if I can get live TV working and if we can get that far, see if we can get the protected/DRM channels working. If I have to Nuke this machine back to ground 0, I will (it's my Windows 8 tablet that I using for this).

    Just trying to see if we can find the last piece of that puzzle to get WMC to run just like on 7/8.1 with the protected path that a lot of US users need for cablecard support.
  4. marcevan

    marcevan MDL Novice

    Sep 11, 2015
    I have to disagree.

    I can get EVERYTHING else to play fine in WMC, including Showtime, TMC, Starz, and Epix channels.

    So only HBO and Cinemax and oddly the Fox cablenets (FX, FXX, etc) give me the issue.

    Given I'm on FIOS, I want to see if those channels went to SDV and I should be using a tuning adapter.

    Why else would some SVOD's play (the non Time Warner owned) and all cablnets like AMC, NBCU, A&E, Disney but not Fox's?
  5. Miamijerry

    Miamijerry MDL Junior Member

    Nov 8, 2011
    #1525 Miamijerry, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    Record the channel, open the folder with recordings, Right click on the header "NAME", select "More", check the box for "Protected". Recordings will now have a column listed "Protected" and the Copy Protected recording will show "Yes".

    Attached Files:

  6. heula

    heula MDL Novice

    Jan 3, 2009
    I have uninstalled v6. Took ownership over all the files in the install folder. Reinstalled and no more pop-ups.
    Fixed for me and everything is working fine now.
  7. The Mac

    The Mac MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2015
    #1527 The Mac, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    They could be using legacy CP flags. Theve been deprecated on the newest ceton firmwares with cablelabs permission.

    What kind of tuner are you using?
  8. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    It would be nice if WMC was set free from DRM but, mostly it would be on premium channels, like HBO, Showtime, Skin-a-max, etc. This could also be PER show too. I have seen where a 1980's movie was NOT DRMed but, a 2014 movie was.

    I ran into a interesting case, as I don't really have any premium channels on my WMC but, I do have AMC and over the last few months I have noticed that Walking Dead and the new one was DRM protected, even on a few movies they were protected. In WMC, when your selecting to watch a show (where it shows the Meta data) If you look at the very bottom, it will show a (!) and say Copy Protected. For the recorded, I do have another source so I can watch premium channels (Ray Donvan is awesome)

    It could also be per Provider, One or 2 people on TGB was claiming that EVERYTHING besides locals was DRMed, so if you recorded off NBC you were fine but, if you recorded off Discovery channel (never saw it DRMed myself), it would be protected.

    So, it really is a case by case problem (per area).

    I personally also wonder why @marcevan has no DRM flags on HBO or Skin-a-max.
  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    If WMC pack didn't work on 8.1 machine (which already have those files and same version as pack), then i see no point of porting those files to 10
  10. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    It's something in there that is causing the disconnect on the DRM'ed TV programs/channels. This is what we are trying to find out... It all works on WMP, Playready and DRM. We need to find the connection that makes them all work together to fix this problem and the full codec pack seems like the right place.

    Does anyone have access to the full WIM from 6.3.9600.16384 (same build we are using) I will extract them and try to drop them in one by one, to see if it's that simple connection between the files.

    Anyone have a good path to go down to see this ? @Klownicle posted a graph showing the path that DRMed Recorded TV files take on an official machine, this is what we need to repo on Windows 10... With out it, it does not work for a LOT of US users, and it's kind of a HUGE deal for people who use a cablecard.
  11. Klownicle

    Klownicle MDL Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    Are the files I listed identical between Win8.1 and Win8.1 WMC?

    Has anyone tried to see if Win 8.1 NON WMC can decode a WTV Container (not even referring to CopyOnce)? If it does not, copying our WMC package should then allow it to play the WTV container as that is the whole point of Windows Media Center. Thus installing the official package then allows the playback of WTV containers.

    I haven't had much time to check these things recently. But It'd say the easiest way to start in the right direction is if WIN8.1 NON WMC cannot play WTV containers, then we need to get it so it can using official Microsoft Files. If It can play WTV files, then that's one less thing we can use to diagnose our DRM issue :(
  12. maxtorix

    maxtorix MDL Member

    Feb 3, 2010
    Can you create a script / (offline) method to integrate media center into install.wim in Windows 10?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. ElDiabl0

    ElDiabl0 MDL Junior Member

    May 31, 2011
    #1533 ElDiabl0, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    You should replace the original WMC files with the patched ones on Win8.1 WMC, this way you'll be 100% sure if the patched files are affecting playback of DRM content or if it's just a codec or playready issue.
  14. dejong12

    dejong12 MDL Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Windows 10 without Media Center will play .WTV files with Windows Media Player just fine. I don't know if this is the same for W8.1, but I think it is.
  15. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    #1535 DavidinCT, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    Are you sure about that ? There was a big post on the Microsoft forums about Windows 10 was unable to play WTV files with out a 3rd party codec installed. It was a post with something like 10 pages on it... EDIT: see below, just like 8.1, it has the audio codec but, NOT the video, or its not enabled.

    I remember when first installing Windows 10 (one of the previews) and I tried it(mapped a drive to my HTPC), it didn't work....

    Anyway about it, it does not solve what we are after, IF Windows 10 can read/play back a WTV file, that's all good but, Windows Media Center cant play a DRMed TV channel, or a recorded DRM TV file(if you can get the channel to record) TV show.

    That is what we are all after here and what the end goal is....To make WMC work exactly like it did on 7 or 8.1...

    I will try this in about a 1/2 hour or so, I have a Windows 8.1 VM setup with NO media center, this will confirm this 100%.... It's a CLEAN OS with Nothing but the OS installed because I was going to use this license (retail license) to take a Windows 10 upgrade (so I could have a few extra if needed)

    I should have a 1/2 hour show that is not too large in size to move to the VM....
  16. snorkel

    snorkel MDL Novice

    Jul 19, 2015
    Just done clean install of Widows 10

    Installed WMC v6, but have not yet downloaded playready

    Extracted Landscapes.wtv sample file from Win 7, and tried opening in Media Center, and got decoder error.

    Opened Landscapes.wtv in Windows Media Player and got audio only.

    Will setup tv in Media Center and download playready, and try to open the Landscapes.wtv, and if not successful, will install Windows DVD Player app, and retest.
  17. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    #1537 DavidinCT, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    So, I just tried this, It showed as a Windows Recorded TV Show (with WMC logo on the icon for it) but, video would not play back, only audio. It was a Simson's episode and double checked it, it was NOT protected in anyway. This is a 100% clean 8.1 Pro machine, nothing but the OS installed.

    On Windows 8.1 like I said, it would only get audio, I took this same file and dropped it in my Recorded TV folder on Windows 10, it showed up in my Recorded shows and played with no issues...

    So, by default 8.1 has the audio codec (and DRM would apply here as more music is DRMed than video) but, not the video one, or it's not active.

    Edit: On your WIndows 10 machine, take a recorded show and TRY to open it with Windows Media Player, it will give an error of "Windows Media player cannot play the file. The player might not support the files time or might not support the codec...." (this is on my 10 machine that has NO codecs installed besides ones I manually setup)

    Maybe this is part of out problem, We need to have the MICROSOFT codecs (from 8.1 w/WMC) installed so WMP can play a WTV file.... WMP cant play it, how can it support DRM from it ?
  18. Miamijerry

    Miamijerry MDL Junior Member

    Nov 8, 2011
    #1538 Miamijerry, Sep 18, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
    To upgrade Windows 8.1 pro to Windows 8.1 WMC, you select add features which downloads a "windows 8.1 media center pack" from windows and installs it for $9.99

    How can we get (or capture) a copy of this "windows 8.1 media center pack" ??

    Seem that this pack is complete, and sets everything correctly for DRM programs, so it would be the best suited source for a "Windows 10 media center pack"
  19. speedingcheetah

    speedingcheetah MDL Novice

    Aug 11, 2012
    Media Center the only thing keeping mre from Win 10.....until now!

    This worked PERFECTLY!

    I upgraded from 8.1 pro with media center to win 10....ran software and driver updates...then installed this Media Center Pack.....BAM! Didn't even have to re-configure my tuner/guide settings from my HD HomeRun Prime setup.....it just worked as if it was never removed.!

    Aside from some annoying UAC and Smart Screen security messages....(which I disabled) Media center is Fully working...far as I can tell. Recording/playback and live tv.

  20. snorkel

    snorkel MDL Novice

    Jul 19, 2015

    Proceeded to setup tv in Media Center, playready installed, guide data downloaded, and channels detected and populated.

    Tried to open Landscapes.wtv in Media Center, and got error as before, and also when clicked to view tv channel got same error.

    Tried to open Landscapes.wtv in Media Player, and as before got audio only.

    Then installed Windows DVD Player app, and all was working... Media Center played the file, as did Media Player (Video and Audio)... as well as Media Center playing and recording TV... recorded files playable in Media Center, and Media Player.