[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. Britunculus

    Britunculus MDL Novice

    Sep 23, 2015
    Just my 2 cents worth to say thank you to whoever made this possible. I tried to install the Win8 WMC on Win10 and got nowhere. Then I saw this solution on the the Wininfo site 8th September.

    I had the problems mentioned here many times, the CMD didn't seem to work etc but after several tries WMC appeared in the Start Menu All Apps under Windows Accessories; no desktop or task bar icon as expected with a normal install but it works. it doesn't appear to get the programme guide at first but it has with no prompting from me.

    Fact is I bought these 2 All-in-One PCs with Win7 because they had a TV tuner. As a self-employed man, I wanted to be able to keep up with TV and radio if I needed to work at my Home/Office in the evening; just a window in the corner. Catch-up TV via the net was patchy and broadband only copper wire. If I wanted to record a programme, there are other HDD/Blu-ray/DVD machines elsewhere in the house as long as you know in advance to set them up. But those problem calls in the evening from a supplier or customer or occasional clashes with family members choices, this is the answer.

    So I reckon MS let us all down by ditching WMC. The TV card manufacturers did not release stand alone software. Why would they try to compete with a free WMC?

    Thank you again to whoever fixed this.
  2. GoSpeedRacer

    GoSpeedRacer MDL Novice

    Sep 20, 2015
    A big thank you to GunnerHook for post #1363 for clearly laying out all the steps in one place. Followed each step and now WMC is working perfectly running Windows 10 build 10240, with HD HomeRun HDHR3-US tuner. Live TV, guide, scheduled recordings, wake to record, all working perfectly, thank you!! Also, a huge thank you to everyone who worked to make this happen. You guys are awesome - thank you! So pumped to have WMC back! :surfing:
  3. GunnerHook

    GunnerHook MDL Novice

    Jun 18, 2015
    Glad I could help! Mine is still running well! Thanks all!
  4. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    I know of someone who just can't get it to work no matter what they do, they can't even get it to install, the testrights.cmd just won't stay open after clicking on it. After many reboots and so on, never makes a difference. Odd as I personally have never struck a problem and installed it on so many machines now, is there any good suggestions for him to try?
  5. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Uninstall wmc, in place upgrade, reinstall wmc.
  6. heula

    heula MDL Novice

    Jan 3, 2009
    Live-TV does not fully work. When I reset the decoder with Win7DSFilterTweaker_5.9 Live-TV works but after a while or system restart the decoder error appears again.
    LAV filters don't work either.

    Is there a definitive solution already?
    V7 is installed now.
  7. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    @ the Op the link is pointing to version v6 BTW :tea:
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. meluvalli

    meluvalli MDL Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    I second this question!

  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    If you insist

    ehuihlp.dll has a second check for msmpeg2vdec license, Graznok said it won't be used if the first is patch
    but i patched the second anyway, figured that it may help solving the live DRM tv issue

    and mcspad.exe turns out to have the exact same codec (msmpeg2vdec) checks as ehuihlp.dll, so i patched as well
    although, the utility might not affect any wmc functionals (it only set wmc default associations)
  10. meluvalli

    meluvalli MDL Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2013

    Thank you :biggrin:
  11. ciscokid

    ciscokid MDL Senior Member

    Jun 3, 2007
    Hey Phrunt, I had the same problem. I put the installer into a folder called WMC in the root of my C drive and it worked fine. Apparently it doesn't like to be installed from anywhere other than the root with a one word length folder name.
  12. DavidinCT

    DavidinCT MDL Addicted

    May 9, 2015
    awesome, Anyone trying DRM'ed cablecard channels yet ? Would love to know if it's working (just started a new job and have had no time to play)
  13. Klownicle

    Klownicle MDL Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    I haven't checked either due to lack of time. If this solves anything it will at least solve the ability to play in WMC but not WMP. I can try remotely on my VM in a little bit. Busy with tickets at work. :)
  14. tricolis

    tricolis MDL Novice

    Jul 21, 2015
    I playied around with ip addresses and it seems to get the guide working.
  15. billstelling

    billstelling MDL Novice

    Mar 25, 2009
    This is the correct way.. It worked flawlessly and should be pinned to the first post or edit it to include the link to this on page 137 or the entire content.. It would save a lot of time weeding through it all.
    Also If you all would like me to host the downlods on my site, just let me know, you can have direct download that way..

  16. jjwatmyself

    jjwatmyself MDL Novice

    Sep 9, 2015
    Sadly DRM channels are not working. Until the "Update PlayReady" function of WMC works, this will remain as a major wish list item for folks in the US with cable card tuners, like HDHomeRun and Ceton.
  17. RobsterUK

    RobsterUK MDL Novice

    Apr 2, 2013

    Awesome tip.
    I've got a Win10 upgrade from Win 7 Ultimate that will not install it.
    The test rights second CMD window opens OK but the installer just opens and closes.
    Will give this a try tonight.
  18. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    unfortunately that tip didn't work for my friend, nor did a in-place upgrade install of windows 10
  19. meluvalli

    meluvalli MDL Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Ok, I know someone said that Extender function isn't a high priority as the DRM issue, but I just wanted to let people know what I have tried that way if anyone else was trying to work on it, maybe it would help them.....

    Extender doesn't work on V6/V7... It won't even get past the second step before Media Center Crashes.... HOWEVER, I decided, just for fun, to install The 10.0.10537 version.... I tried it on a fresh install of Win 10... In doing so, the Extender setup gets allot further... It gets to the very last step then fails... Also, the Xbox (which is my extender), notices it is there and it creates the account on the PC to login with... However, the Xbox tries to connect to it and fails... It keeps trying and keeps failing... It's setup as an "extender" as far as the Xbox is concerned, but Windows won't allow it to connect...

    I looked in the event logs and found nothing except an error saying it's unable to create a Task for the media library to be updated....

    I tried running WMC as Admin to see if that was the problem and of course not..

    On the PC, like I said, the account is created, even a profile is created (like it tried to login at one time), but no go :(
  20. spidernz

    spidernz MDL Senior Member

    May 20, 2011

    Will this work without wmp installed??

    Wondering if this will work on a slimmed out windows 7/8.1/10 Non WMC which has WMP/Codecs removed?