Perhaps running Wireshark on a win 7/8/8.1 machine when an extender is added will provide some useful info.
This sounds like a great idea! (If only I knew how to use Wireshark and knew what I was looking for )
I had been trying to install 10v2 & had tried running the uninstaller from that version without success. I have sorted it now by running the uninstaller from the v6, rebooting then installing v6 and its all good.
There is a problem with the guide as it is not updating anymore. Has it been shut down, or is it just a temporary failure?
I have just set up a WMC w/o any problem. For the record I believe that the Italian listings are coming from France.
@Graznok, I have the same problem since 2-3 days (I live in France too), but only with some channels (chaines 21 à 25, le multiplex de RMC Découverte). Guide is downloading perfectly, after the message you send, there is an other saying Guide successfully downloaded. I'm on V3 version in x64, since all works for me I didn't test the newer versions.
WindowsMediaCenter_6.3.9600.16384_x64_v7 LavFilter-installer French mode: Tu crée un raccourcis "C:\Windows\ehome\mcupdate.exe" tu édite les propriété , onglet compatibilité et tu coche le mode administrateur J'ai couper le pare-feu perso (et aussi celui de bitdefender) Et sa à marcher . Le guide s'es télécharger et sa à passer la recherche de chaine TV. PS: En cours de test sur la visualisation des chaine qui mon poser soucis
I have absolutely no program data in the next week. You may get data from TV signal, not downloaded guide.
En fait je n'ai eu aucun problème depuis le mois d'août quand j'ai réussi à démarrer Media Center sur Windows 10. J'ai un autre PC avec Windows 8.1 WMC avec lequel le guide s'est toujours téléchargé. Et là depuis hier, aucun guide ne se télécharge, bizarre non ?
@Graznok, Je ne suis pas chez moi aujourd'hui, je regarderai ça en rentrant et te tiens au jus. @non-english users I'll check if there is a guide download problem in France when I'll back home.
I actually had no problem since august september when I first launched (guide enabled 8.1) Media Center on Windows 10. I have another Windows 8.1 WMC on which guide always downloaded successfully. Now, guide isn't downloaded since yesterday. Update: after clicking "Download", message box says that guide IS downloaded, but no data are fetched.
so the only thing i find annoying is. ehtray.exe i keep getting pop ups to allow to run. what gives . i tried changing permissions as well and they are not changeable. curent owner is trust installer. im on version 6
File Blocked status is set by the browser when you download a file. This can be disabled when you go in the file properties and uncheck it, and when you are allowed to do that. In your case File Blocked status is set BUT you cannot uncheck it after extaction because of file permissions set for Trusted Installed. Solution is to uncheck File Blocked status on downloaded archive BEFORE extract its contents, or else extract files using 7zip not explorer, has 7zip doesn't keep File Blocked status (which is a security zone information stored in the NTFS alternate data stream not read by 7zip).
Run _TestRights.cmd which will open new CMD at the new cmd, execute this command: Code: powershell -Command "& {dir C:\Windows\ehome | Unblock-File}
@endbase and throbber, I just replied to Graznok so there was no need to write in english since he had a specific problem due to our localization. I edited my post with english translation. No need to be unpleasant. In french forums english writers are allways welcome.
ran that with cmd and admin rights. but it turned no message is that normal? all i got was this Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10240] (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\WINDOWS\system32>powershell -Command "& {dir C:\Windows\ehome | Unblock-File} C:\WINDOWS\system32>