Ok, that explain everything. On home versions many useful tools are purposely disabled. Use the command line then.
Same here, on Windows 8.1, press 2 times to launch WMC......no big deal. Hoping for resolution to run WMC on Windows 10 with Ceton cablecard without DRM issues......Big Deal! Thank you guys for working on this project.
Okay i did that but i get something i would screen shot show you but i need more post lol.. Can i message u and show you?
For non-english systems, courtesy of Graznok: Code: for /f "usebackq delims=" %x in (`powershell "(New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-5-32-544')).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value.Split([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)[1]"`) do set "admins=%x" for /f "usebackq delims=" %x in (`powershell "(New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-5-20')).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value"`) do set "netsvc=%x" net localgroup %admins% "%netsvc%" /add
Why can't i see videos or record even if i did the network setup thing. It says this.The Display driver error: The video playback device does not support playback of protected content.
I have a Ceton PCIe 6 card and I was able to install the newest WIndows 8.1 driver with no issues and it works perfect.... For the record my tuner is in a Windows 7 machine... If it's a protected show, it's going to do that (You can only play a protected show on the machine it was recorded). It might have DRM attached to that show. This version of Media Center works great but, the protected path does not work on it, For example, you go in the guide and select a premium channel (HBO, showtime, etc) it will show the same error.
Hmm but it says this to all the channels. When i put it in full screen mode the channels starts playing and when i minisize it. Weird.. Now when i test the recording. It says "This program will be recorded" but it doesnt.
Are you running the newest version ? We had that problem back a handful of versions ago. The recording thing I believe is a permissions thing. I might say, uninstall your version, re-download v7 (a few pages back) and install again. All these issues you speak of were resolved at some point.
Are you using the PRO version of Windows 10? I think Pro may be required like it was in 8.1, and that the requirement likely stems from needing RDP as a dependency. The connection from the extender is basically an RDP session, except on port 3390 instead of 3389, with an RTSP session used along with it for the actual streaming. So the best chance of an extender working will be from a version of Win10 that supports Remote Desktop connections. Or maybe try one of the hacks for putting RDP on Windows 7 home premium?