[DISCUSSION] Sergei Strelec's WinPE

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by Mr.X, May 22, 2022.

  1. ohenry

    ohenry MDL Senior Member

    Aug 10, 2009
    Well, kinda sorta. They have a patch to bring the iso from 4 days ago up to 2023.02.02, but you still have to have the 2023.01.30 iso. Be advised that his web site is in Russian (at least primarily) and the executable patch is in Russian as well.
  2. fxp

    fxp MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2008
    Guys, I'd like to report some bugs to Sergei regarding WinPE 11-10-8 Sergei Strelec (x86/x64/Native x86) 2023.02.02 English version, but the registration is disabled on the site. Can anyone please confirm the following bugs present in WinPE10, or perhaps reporting them to Sergei?

    Start menu > Programs WinPE > Drivers > Install only VIDEO drivers = invalid shortcut error
    Start menu > Programs WinPE > Drivers > Install only WLAN drivers = invalid shortcut error
  3. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    I prefer the original source: serge1strelec.name
    replace the "1" with an "i".
  4. BetaTesta

    BetaTesta MDL Senior Member

    Aug 6, 2022
    New WinPE 11-10-8 Sergei Strelec (x86/x64/Native x86) 2023.02.15
  5. ohenry

    ohenry MDL Senior Member

    Aug 10, 2009
    #25 ohenry, Feb 15, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Combine these 4 lines to get the web address, and in line 2 replace the numeral "1" with the letter "i".


    ON EDIT 2.16.2023 -- I just spotted a torrent on 1337x.
  6. wallywalters

    wallywalters MDL Novice

    Apr 10, 2016
    #26 wallywalters, Feb 22, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
    Did you ever find a solution for this? For some reason with this release the host drive (a partition on my external SSD) is invisible to the OS -- hidden -- and I have to manually unhide it in Disk Management before anything on the Start Menu will work.
  7. fxp

    fxp MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2008
    Fixed (kind of) in the new "WinPE11_10_8_Sergei_Strelec_x86_x64_2023.02.15_English" version:
    - "Install only VIDEO drivers" does not throw an error any more
    - "Install only WLAN drivers" throws a different error: DrvIndexWlan_x64.cmd not found
    Again, need someone to confirm this, and perhaps relay it to Sergei.
  8. wallywalters

    wallywalters MDL Novice

    Apr 10, 2016
    Sadly the new "WinPE11_10_8_Sergei_Strelec_x86_x64_2023.02.15_English" is exactly the version I'm using, and I still get the Minst.errors and Devinst.exe, plus the problem of the desktop not populating-- all of which resolve when I open Disk Manager and unhide the boot drive.
  9. wallywalters

    wallywalters MDL Novice

    Apr 10, 2016
    I would like to do the same. How do you remove items from (or add them to) the image file(s), or where could I find information on how to do this? Thank you.
  10. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    sorry .. can't teach .. i ain't teacher .. but you can edit install.wim using 7z
    and remove some crap from main ISO folder using ultra ISO
    and also I can't share it because its against rules :D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. fxp

    fxp MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2008
    Not sure this would help, but...
    Back when 2023.02.02 was the latest english version, I was using (as always) 7-Zip 22.01 to unpack the .iso image to a UEFI boot FAT32 volume, and I had this problem you described. Loading the same .iso in a virtual machine produced no MInst errors. Checked again the .iso hash, just to be sure. After some time desperately trying to figure out WTF is happening, I solved the problem by simply swithing to WinRAR to unpack the .iso, and on the same volume, on the same drive, on the same hardware, Strelec booted without MInst errors.
    I haven't checked, so it's just a theory, since Strelec grew in size significantly in these newer versions to well over 4GB, it could be something related to the file system of the .iso, e.g. ISO 9660 has a file size limit of 4GB, so maybe some precautionary switching to UDF happened.
  12. BetaTesta

    BetaTesta MDL Senior Member

    Aug 6, 2022
    WinPE 11-10-8 Sergei Strelec (x86/x64/Native x86) 2023.02.28 English version
  13. fxp

    fxp MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2008
    #33 fxp, Mar 1, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2023
    Regarding MInst errors and desktop not populating:

    Using Strelec 2023.02.28 English version.
    Unpacked it to a volume on a fixed GPT drive, and it works flawlessly, both WinPE10 and WinPE11.
    Rebooted to main Win10 OS, removed the Strelec volume's drive letter in Disk Management, and got the error after booting Strelec again.
    While booted into Strelec, added a drive letter to its volume.
    Rebooted into Strelec again, no more errors, its boot volume is properly mounted. Also, in the main OS, the volume remains hidden in explorer.
  14. haber123

    haber123 MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    Used Rufus to make bootable SSDs (both UEF and MBR). Both boot and work as should. One of the best WinPE based tools out there. The older versions seem better, just my opinion. The 2022.01.23 is my go to. On his website all previous release are downloadable. The FAQ explains editing the boot menu and making permanent changes on the bootable device.
  15. BetaTesta

    BetaTesta MDL Senior Member

    Aug 6, 2022
    Why do you think they are better?
  16. haber123

    haber123 MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    Some of the extra programs, mainly disk genius not on newest release in win11 or win10 PE boot. Newer version on some dell pc's (3040, 3050) sits for along time on the boot as I think its searching for CPU architecture or apci / bus drivers. I could be me not liking change. I do add my own tools to the SSD and use a SATA to usb adapter. for imaging PC's and re-installs. Still one of the best tools for maintenance, repair out there.
  17. DannyR49

    DannyR49 MDL Novice

    Aug 23, 2012
    How to preserve settings between reboots and make configuration changes permanent?

    I've tried twice on two different ISOs to get the assembly to keep the configuration changes I've laboured on for quite some time, but every time I reboot, all the good settings are not retained, and I have to start all over again.
    It mainly relates to PENetwork Manager for WiFi and Preferred Network settings, UltraVNC passwords and half-a-dozen of my own personal desktop shortcuts I've created on the desktop screen, being lost.
    For instance, the file:
    X:\Program Files\PENetwork\PENetwork.ini
    is overwritten with default settings and it's just a total pain to have to edit them at each reboot.
    I created my 16GB USB boot-disk with Rufus 2022-11-29 v3.21 Build-1949 using UEFI and it starts up pretty quickly, but I had a look at the whole disk of all the folders viewed using ZTreeWin and newly dated files have overwritten the good files that were all working at the first ever boot of that image, and should've stayed that way for every subsequent boot.
    The two ISOs I've tried are:
    The history of the laptop I'm using is that I've replaced the dud HDD with a new SSD on C: and I've even put my ZTreeWin and Utils on it and it works perfectly. A fresh install of Windows will come at a later date.
    On this C: drive I've put text and a few ini files from the config changes I'd made, but I'm now at my wits end to resolve this problem, so I'm appealing to anyone on this forum to please help me out.
    It may be simply something that I'm just not getting to make the light bulb flash up.
    Best Regards from Danny Robinson, Perth, Western Australia.
  18. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  19. DannyR49

    DannyR49 MDL Novice

    Aug 23, 2012
    Is the keyword I should use to find the option, based on [persist]?
    Use Ggl-Search:
    site:learn.microsoft.com DISM modify Windows .WIM file persist persistent persistence reboots:

    Use Ggl-Search:
    Optimizing Windows 10, version 1909, for a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) role:
    | Article of 15-Sep-2021 (09/15/2021):
    Keywords to search for: (persist | persistent | persistence).
    VDI Optimization Principles:
    A VDI environment presents a full desktop session, including applications, to a computer user over a network.
    The network delivery vehicle can be an on-premises network or could be the Internet.
    VDI environments are a "base" operating system image, which then becomes the basis for the desktops subsequently presented to the users.
    There are variations of VDI implementations such as "persistent", "non-persistent", and "desktop session".
    The persistent type preserves changes to the VDI desktop OS from one session to the next.
    The non-persistent type does not preserve changes to the VDI desktop OS from one session to the next.
    To the user, this desktop isn't much different to any other virtual or physical device, other than being accessed over a network.
  20. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009