That and the stupid and unprofessional-looking "Microsoft Server Operating System" text is still in place.
"Microsoft will release Windows Server 2022 to Eval Center” looks very "final" to me. It may be an updated version though and not the current one.
as usual microsoft looking to make a splash at microsoft build conference next week so that is why the wait?
Quick tip: for anybody using a mobile device (laptops, Surface Pro etc) with Windows Server, sometimes the screen brightness slider is greyed out in Action Center. However it is very easy to adjust brightness by making a few calls to WMI. Example using Powershell: Code: $monitor = Get-WmiObject -ns root/wmi -class wmiMonitorBrightNessMethods # brightness level usually from 0 to 100, here setting it to 80 $monitor.WmiSetBrightness(1, 80) Example using C#: Code: // to compile: // "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe" /t:exe /out:brightness.exe Program.cs // to run and set brightness to 80 (usually from 0 to 100): // brightness.exe 80 using System.Management; using System; namespace brightnesscsharp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0) { SetBrightness(Convert.ToInt32(args[0])); } } public static void SetBrightness(int brightness) { ManagementClass mclass = new ManagementClass("WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods"); mclass.Scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\root\wmi"); ManagementObjectCollection instances = mclass.GetInstances(); foreach (ManagementObject o in instances) { o.InvokeMethod("WmiSetBrightness", new object[] { 1, brightness }); } } } }
I just wish they'd let us know at this point if we're going to be able to upgrade to whatever this eval/RTM version turns out to be. If they're only making small changes now, there's really no reason they shouldn't be able to let us do so. If they're making larger changes... they should be releasing more test builds.
I can confirm that the 20344 build is fully working when upgrading in place from Windows Server 2019, including Domain Controllers. I think this version is very reliable and production grade at least for the most used functionality, but it can still change until Microsoft decides to release a production supported build.
i recall reding somewhere that ms only really garantee hyperv compat 1 ver forward & 1 ver back so that wold mean on svr 2016 only 2012 r2 & 2019 that were proprly tested havin said that try pullin the hyperv video driver from a svr 2016 or 2019 image & installing it
Probably. Not that it makes any difference, as it works anyway for console access, and I never really use server GUI for anything (unless really pressed to ie needs local install that cannot be done from command line) IMO Server OS should never ever need GUI & should only be managed remotely)
lotta peeps runnin 80s & 90s nos believed that thats y nt4 destroyed em linux is only now piking up teh pieces cuz it finaly has a sorta workin gui
And why does one need a GUI on a server that should never be accessed directly? Remote GUI tools, PS, etc are not enough?
It is only commercial interest and it goes both ways, Microsoft as business and the large number of engineers and administrators supporting the products and as such indirectly promoting them to third parties.