anyone have trouble turning off bluetooth in the settings page? toggle doesn't stick for some reason... update, weird, looks like I can toggle it off/on just fine from the action center, go figure
From what I remember (I may be wrong), Microsoft servers don't fully support bluetooth, they may detect your bluetooth hardware but won't be able to make it work properly. My bluetooth mouse never worked on 2019...
This is a server OS, you might intend to use it as workstation but you might encounter limitations. Does the same functionality work in Windows Server 2019 or 2016? If it is meant to work, then it might be either a bug like the one which I mentioned in an earlier post, likely resolved at RTM, or something related to the transition from Control Panel to Settings, but if so, this should impact Windows 10 versions too.
Regarding bluetooth, I've used it in 2019 and 2016 on at least two devices. The problem there is a toggle not working - nothing more. Just because its considered a server OS doesn't mean it can't do everything regular editions can. Once in a while you need a server variant of certain programs because money vs version detection - that's it. I stream, emulate (including Wii Remotes) gaming systems, use the Oculus, do media editing, play PUBG, and probably just about any other task you care to name. This nonsense has been going on since at least Server 2003. It can be tweaked to do EVERYTHING the desktop versions do. It's about time it went away.
Build 20344 with desktop experience, standard edition installed on my 3-year old laptop. Encountered problem with Hyper-V external switch. If the laptop goes to sleep and then wakes back up, all VMs using external switches could not access the internet through the bridge. Resetting the bridge or the virtual adapters would not solve this problem, only a reboot of host takes everything back to normal.
this build is faster and quicker for me than any other os before it, even latest windows 10, unreal, really really impressed activated til 2038 as well, LOL
Brother I think no. i think it must already be 1.4 but not sure as access to github blocked on my system & am sure soon be blocked to all social media too
If kms38 then user must be sure to execute this script Code: cscript //nologo %windir%\System32\slmgr.vbs /dlv Result must be : Code: Key Management Service client information Client Machine ID (CMID): xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available KMS machine IP address: not available KMS machine extended PID: Activation interval: 8640000 minutes Renewal interval: 8640000 minutes KMS host caching is disabled