The last update was a year ago. Shadow defender is the most important piece of software I've ever used. I haven't used an anti-virus in 10 years and I haven't had to reformat my PC. My machine stays fresh as I've just installed it. I love it.
not going to use any sandbox application use Comodo With license, Enable Hips & Firewall only use daily backup and that it.
Yes, that's a solid security approach however it's a good idea to have a sec layer which allows with a single restart to undo any change during a session, any change whether is good or bad.
These programs working with a different way. - Shadow Defender brings to a clean slate the computer on every restart. - Eazy Fix works taking snapshots and can restore the pc any time you want. For me I think Eazy Fix is a little better but I think it may destroys the ssd life.
Sorry to bump up an old thread but this isn't necessary. I've got the keys. If admin allows, I can post it here. I still don't have antivirus on my PC and I do just fine.