Most of the stuff modern stuff we using today is writen many years back and we try to modernize the code or and create something new on top of that but you cant think about everything or not to make mistakes since we are humans and we make mistakes.. linux or windows all them have flaws.. most of the ppl talking about linux wants to do its own creation and that's where million different distributions come from imaging if all the ppl who maked all the distributions would just be doing one project i cant even imagine how then linux would look like.
Do you think that switching the argument on each message is a good way to have a productive discussion?
FYI I'm a linux user since the days of RH4 (in 1996 or so), and I have also my small contribution in the linux kernel. So I think I have no problem with linux, fanboysm is another matter. Yes I have problems with it.
My ears are something I trust Average Joes are changing for the worse thanks to the brainwashing from Apple (followed by Google and MS), I can't see how worsening Linux to mach that can be taken as a good thing. Absolutely yes. Mine is called earth, what about yours? Assuming your sentence as true. And coming back in topic, a stupid dock cloned from Macos improves it?
No, no and no and I never said anything about MacOS, would you leave that be and answer the charges, as laid down by none other than Linus himself... Otherwise you are sitting on your ears, which can't therefore hear anything but yourself... making noises... in the vicinity...
I was talking about the community not the virtues of each OS, learn to read english! I also never compared Arch to Mint or Ubuntu. I was making a point that it is an issue with derivatives and the lousy community involved in the process. Antergo and Manjaro are derivatives of Arch, you should know that, so they get hate and like wise with Mint from Debian and Ubuntu. Why aren't you bitching about Antergos and Manjaro, I'm surprised since you have an issue with anything this is not plain Ubuntu and those aren't plain Arch ? The Linux community is caustic at best and you are a perfect example of this issue !
Are you sure It's the one with reading problems? The only ubuntu or derivative I touch usually is the trinitybuntu to "stole" from it the trinity packages but, that said, if i thought the ubuntu based distros were great, I'd just install the minimal Ubuntu then I'd install what I needed myself No Mac menu for me, thanks (a sentence that here has a nice double meaning )
For some reason you think I like Apple MacOS, I don't so your snide remarks do nothing for me ! Also is the trinityubuntu remark you're now adding a guilty confession ? You bash all ubuntu derivatives and then confess that you stole something from one, maybe you need to go see a priest ! What I gather from all this is you don't like a Mac menu, ok good for you good day .
Yes, I'm really a strange person. Assuming that someone who likes a clone Macos UI, likes the original as well is absolutely incredible, isn't it? (anyway I'm using, since the stone age, the "Mc menu", v.s. "a la carte restaurant" analogy for any OS, here the series analogy became also a joke) Guilty for what? I'ts just an easy and obvious way to get the the trinity binaries on distros where they are unavailable (notably Arch/Manjaro, cause a disagreement between the respective developers). Is that a problem for you? Not for me, I like to choose whatever I want and I don't care if a package is assembled as rpm deb or whatever, as long the packaged SW is what I need.
It had been a while since I tried elementaryOS. I downloaded Loki, works fine, somewhat stable, the few issues I've had might be laptop related and not distro related. I wish I had a more powerful PC to try it on, I'm running it on a Core 2 Duo from like 6-7 years ago, with 2 gb of ram. This is just my try machine but I might actually install Loki on a core i5 laptop I use for work and see how that goes.
Those of you who have downloaded the iso and installed it in a VM ,can you please tell me the installation size of the OS .
Latest version, 0.4.1, brought some improvements and bug fixes that made it possible for me to switch. It's solid and good enough for most workloads. If you come from GNOME, it will take a while to get used to it. It's a much cleaner derivate of Ubuntu, no online search, privacy/security concerned settings set by default and Firefox now looks integrated with the theme.