Just download the wget.exe place it in system32 folder open cmd as admin copy the link you want, once it downloaded it will save it in C:\Users\your user name that what i done
76020c58ed1ffb5f98e4c3d99068f6ac999bbb73 *CleanWipe.db 4838aa29423834c93df00ee8146895017e03dcf3 *CleanWipe.exe ?
@ l33tissw00t MD5 Sum: 5e206243d600c33caab5b467c0030b3c = original CleanWipe.zip (CleanWipe.db+CleanWipe.exe)
Interesting. SEP v14 now has cloud-based Virus Defs. Is that good news or bad news for us? BTW, They also released SEP v12.1.6 MP6.
Does anyone already know how to select or where to get the "Dark network client" (described in the release notes PDF) for computers that are without internet connection or mostly online through 3G router with very limited flatrate?