Hmm I have tried downloading the wget program as recommend. I tried using cmd to try downloading the files but I got an error that I have missing files. On the side note, I tried installing another version that I found in my harddisk, Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.6318.6100 (RU6 MP1a) winx64. Manage to install this but the application couldn't run on my windows. The error was : "This app can't run on this PC" I am running on windows 10 professional, is there any compatibility issues with the Symantec that I was using?
Updated Cleanwipe? I currently have 14.0.1904: Code: 4838aa29423834c93df00ee8146895017e03dcf3 *CleanWipe.exe 76020c58ed1ffb5f98e4c3d99068f6ac999bbb73 *CleanWipe.db
Guys, this link - https: // com/en_US/article.INFO4191.html contains the update packages for version 14.0.2332.0100, I executed in English and Portuguese, both versions 14.0 and some builds of version 12.1.xx And I HAD NO PROBLEM with the updates. Advise, disable real-time protection to perform updates. Thanks @lantern and @LostED, for the hard work, again. Cheers.
can anyone help how to download from direct links given by you? I am still seeing as access denied. appreciate can update which link to open first in browser before downloading others? Thanks
SEP 14 MP1 seems to cause Event 1000s on consent.exe and mmc.exe right after boot and while running on W10 15063.
Sadly it doesn't seem like it. Only way to get around it seems to be to change the settings to simply ignore stuff, but that reduces the security to nothing so what's the point.. My biggest grip with Symantec Endpoint Protection is how it handles detection's. The fact that it will auto-remove or auto-quarantine without any sensible option for overruling on safe files (SEP has a lot of false positives if you run it on standard or more aggressive settings) makes the user experience horrible. Even when you go into the protection logs there is no option for a simple restore + exclude/allow. You have to manually exclude the path and re-download the file etc.. This is just silly in 2017. Every other security software have some kind of option for a user to easily restore and allow/exclude files manually. Most do have this option right within the prompt you get when your security software flags/detects something fishy. With SEP you don't get any option within the first prompt, and you don't even have any option for it when manually going into the client itself.
All credit goes to the creator of the WGET batch utility. I simply updated the links in the .bat file to support Symantec's latest release of SEP_v14.0.2349.0100 (Includes all languages) Screenshot & Download WGET Utility: Spoiler Screenshot: (.png file) h t t p :// i *Must remove spaces in URL* Download: (WGET batch utility) h t t p s:// w w w. *Must remove spaces in URL*