Thank you very much. Btw, we have a strange coinsidence. We joined this forum at the same date, except you joined 2 years earlier.
I'm getting 'Access Denied' error while trying to download for both of Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4 Win32 Client EN and Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4 Win64 Client EN. Could someone provide the mirror links for the same? EDIT: Copied and pasted the links to IDM and I was able to download without any hassles. Thank you!
I see some torrents on TPB with these names Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_12.1.4_MP1b_Win64-bit_Client_EN Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_12.1.4_MP1b_Win32-bit_Client_EN Any idea whether they are new builds or the same which are given in OP?
Thanks OP for providing these, also thanks to @LostED for your explanation about how to download it I was a bit lost and after I "read" it more carefully I managed to download it with zero problem However..I have a question though, probably sounds silly once I downloaded it, I extracted it and run the set up file as administrator, but after installed it, I didn't see any shotcut on my desktop/start menu, I also didn't see it's running on the background and noticed there is no sep running on tray icon nor on windows context menu for "Scan" like other Av does, so..did I miss something? FYI I only run the set-up file not the others. PS : I installed it and choose "Unmanaged Client" [EDIT] Nvm, I found it
It appears Symantec have changed the way their definition files work, and the new way is much more efficient. Copied from the link mentioned in the announcement.... I may however be completely wrong. I'm testing in a VM right now. EDIT : After testing in a VM, it installs and updates perfectly. I guess the bulk of the old installers was definition files. One thing I did notice when running the first live update, is that the new updates downloaded lightning fast, compared to the old version which could take up to 10 mins to download depending on it's mood.
Do you know the command parameters to get the Scan Now feature to auto close when it finishes? I'm currently using Internet Download Manager and have set Symantec Endpoint to scan all files manually after download and that works perfectly and all, but I have to manually close each and every scan success window.. Surely there is a command parameter which will tell Symantec to auto-close the window upon nothing fishy being detected?
Sorry, don't know the answer to that. I'll have a look at it when I get a chance. It does the same on scheduled full scan of a machine. One of my clients servers I maintain scans the machine every day. As I generally only go into it once a week, I always have 7 windows to close. I'll look over the weekend and see if I can find a solution. Will post if I do.