Discussion in 'Application Software' started by CHEF-KOCH, Dec 14, 2013.
Dunno. I`m using latest 1.19.4 x64. No problem at all. I m still using W7
someone has an idea of which are the correct links to the new version 14.2.760.0000
So it could be a problem with Windows 10. I had tested with Win10 too, forgot to mention it.
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change 14.2.0_ to 14.2.0. can get lateset version
Not working for me. Can you paste the link you used in wget?
Which version should I download so that I can enjoy forever free on this?
I noticed. Thanks. updated
English can be downloaded if change ...14.2.0.All_Clients_EN.zip to ...14.2.0_All_Clients_EN.zip
Build 758 not 760, though!
and what about different language?