Thanx alot for English 14.2.MP1 supremo. Anyone have French 14.2.MP1 all clients filez ? Thanks alot in advance
Post ~458 - can these be installed and then run live update on a Windows 10 machine? Is the license included? For how long?
v14.2.1015.100 has a weird bug on 1809 (17763.104, .55 too). On a VM after some reboots, UWP Apps will stop connecting to the internet (ex. Edge, Store, it even fails to show installed apps) unless SEP is disabled. I can't find any default firewall rule that is the culprit. Even disabling Firewall or Network Threat Protection doesn't fix it. On the other hand, by disabling the whole SEP via taskbar icon, and then launching an app it'll work fine. After this, when SEP is enabled again, apps won't have any connection problem. Uninstalling SEP and installing again will solve the problem (apps will connect to the internet with SEP enabled), but it seems to come back after a reboot. Edit: 14.2.1023.0100 suffers the same problem. After a few days all apps stop working again, unless SEP is disabled (solves only until next reboot), or if SEP is completely reinstalled. On the official forum there are threads with similar complaints. One user points that 14.0.3929.1200 is the last one free from this issue, but on VM 14.2.770.0000 seems OK.
Client side software firewalls are problematic, avoid them. SEPs FW has always had issues with randomly blocking legitimate traffic for no reason.