you can use it for free but it's illegal just like running winrar without license . note it's pretty weak without aplication and control wich can only be managed via SPEM . i won't recommend using it just for the av component as Kaspersky free Cloud has better detection and lower false postive then unmanaged SEP(in my testing ) .
I'm looking for a version of SEP that is compatible with Win 10 up to 1803 BUT is not compatible with 1909. So looking at the compatibility support list I can see I need a 12.1.x version. The chart says that "12.1 RU6 MP9" is the latest compatible version for the older Win10 versions, although I tested it on 1909 and it installed and worked surprisingly. According to the released versions list, I think what I am after is MP6, or MP7 or MP8: 12.1.6 MP8 (12.1 RU6 MP8) = 12.1.7266.6800 12.1.6 MP7 (12.1 RU6 MP7) = 12.1.7166.6700 12.1.6 MP6 (12.1 RU6 MP6) = 12.1.7061.6600 EDIT: I discovered MP6 doesn't work with 1803, so i'm after MP7/8 I think anything older that MP6 might not work on Win10 1803. I got hold of "12.1.6 MP1a" and this didn't work on 1803, so it was too old. EDIT: I just tried "12.1.6 MP5" and this didn't work on 1803 too, so thats too old too. Can anyone help me get hold of one of the 3 versions listed above by any chance? I need it to perform some 1803 to 1909 upgrade compatibility tests. Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming that is not in response to my post? - I already have the latest 12.1.x and 14.x versions. But I was politely asking for a specific version. I'd appreciate it if someone could kindly share a mirror of one of the 3 version I asked for.
Any body know where to download client only patches from older SEP 14 to SEP 14.2 RU2 MP1 ( 14.2.5569.2100 or 14.2.5587.2100 in spanish and German? They are missing in Article Id: 184183 from Broadcom... Tkx in adv...
14.3.558.0000 CheckSum Spoiler: CheckSum Code: SHA2: ab0820bbe4a73461ae42613fb281067708ff2454d7c480d6d64acb67960d42b6 MD5: 57f502579ca4358ec37c46d7610335df Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_SEPM_EN.exe SHA2: c85c4d7f3a0e3cbc5829a5dbb03f349de1d13d388a9d7ef7588c3371000c9e21 MD5: 3c18a04e2cce9327a33f7f8aefae7b98 Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_Full_Installation_EN.exe SHA2: 0a917c2483498ee8bdc6bea262af26d957ff0ca57fececbbe20aea58f1cb9850 MD5: 2d434ad4c9b015d7398bf8653e86eae9