I you have the file Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_Full_Installation_SL.exe, can you send it to me? Thanks in adv.
Also look for the Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_MP1_All_Clients_SL.zip (14.3.1148.0100 spanish client version). Thanks in advance.
I have 2Mb limited 30h/month connection from my country. It took me 2h to download the file.... Sorry!
Also look for the Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_MP1_All_Clients_EN.zip (14.3.558.0000 English client version). Thanks in advance.
For the EN version: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-from-direct-links.51100/page-42#post-1610643
Hi all! Looking for the Spanish version: f45917016730b3e3198dfcae3ae9300fdfb8bd6f *Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_MP1_All_Clients_SL.zip Thank you very much in advance!
Anyone have sha1 for English 1168 win64 ? comms link has no digital signature for English but it does for Russian... very interesting!
Hi all! Looking for the French version: Symantec_Endpoint_Protection 14.3.1169.0100 or 14.3.1148.0100 Thank you very much in advance!
Thanks for the link. A passwrd is needeed for the download, could you give it to us ? Thank you very much !
Thanx for the link LostED , is it possible to have the pass for dlin the french version ? thx in advance