Is there a patch available for license? I just installed the SEPM and it asks me to activate the product before 11/17/2020.
@LostED if i'm not wrong, that file is missing : 60612984697c2e455cb263939d8408e9e70bd3bb * i can only see the Full installation file for the FRench language...
then wait for the change log, maybe they corrected only some words in chinese client so you dont need update supposing if broadcom got lazy or not
i dont think its necessary to wait (my personal opinion), since those files were shared on and by two trusted sources, first WZor (somewhere else) and then LostED here. now, if anyone feel uncomfortable with a unsigned file, just keep using previous release until the next one comes.
well, wzor didnt uploaded anything, just shared the links from a russian site and taking thats the only source , losted got them from there too, so you dont need to trust wzor or losted, just the russian site
you are missing my point, its just basic logic, WZor (russian site) shared ONLY english and russian versions as usual. LostED shared all languages, now explain to me where did he get those...
can you add 57a08c704a728725ef4105db80b325c8637424ae * because it's missing. There is only full installation for polish.