Thanks for the complete links, I've also updated my previous post. Just adding _MP1_ to links worked in first try.
Are you having issues with download? If so, please read first post clearly, you will come to know how to download. Good luck
You DO NOT have to start the download. Now open another tab and paste the above links into it to start the download. ^ Did this and that is exactly how I am getting this error.
use the link, click Download, then click I agree. use another tab and start using the links to DL, after you click agree, simply leave that tab open (should be a login page, no need to login just BE there)
For me, it is worked even without clicking on AGREE. Just opened trialware page and initiated download progress.
yeah, others need just click the agree for some reason. maybe its something with browser settings, dunno. either way it can be DL'ed easy enough lol
Does anyone actually use it, any good, need something decent for a few people who endlessly download malware? Retail Symantec is dog s***, is this any better? EDIT. OK, so NO ONE uses it.
i use it and it works great. the advantages are that you don't have to run after a Crack every months and it's better than any "free" antivirus (in my opinion).