I tested Sajjo’s recommendation to disable Tamper Protection, then import the Reg Exclusions, unfortunately it did not work on Build 14.3.3385.1000. However I was successful to import the Reg Exclusions on Build 14.3.3580.1100. So it looks like the latest build has the issue resolved and Thank-you Sajjo for suggesting unchecking the Tamper Protection option. Steps I performed: 1. As per Sajjo’s suggestion: disable Tamper Protector 2. Rebooted system then Imported the Reg Exclusions 3. Upgraded the system to Build 14.3.3580.1100, rebooted and verified the reg exclusions took effect. 4. Enable Tamper Protector, rebooted and verified one more time the reg exclusions still in SEP Hopefully others will have the same success.
Thank you digilifeluver Restored the system to old backup (win 10 "1909") and SEP 14.2 and things worked perfect then uninstalled SEP and reinstalled 14.3.3580.1100 but the exceptions list was not retained......again uninstalled SEP and manually cleaned up the system of symantec leftovers, then reinstalled 14.3.3580.1100.(worked) updated the system to (20H2-build 19042.844)....so far the games trainers are working right. the only changes made to this system was removing SEP and installing the latest release and I still believe SEP did some damage to the system on the earlier release following 14.2.5569.2100. Registry issue: Found this info on knowledge.broadcom.com Id=tech105814 (In SEP versions 14.3 RU1 and later, exclusions are no longer viewable in the registry)
The last version for Linux was 14.3 MP1 (14.3.1169.0100): Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_MP1_Linux_Client_EN.zip No more 14.3 RU1 MP1 (14.3.3580.1100) for Linux? Or how do I get it?
OK I have this versions of SEP because I install SEPM from Full_Installation package (LostEd links) but I never have installed nor Linux or Mac versions of SEP.... I'm sorry I cannot upload these packages anywhere...my internet connection is veeery slow and 40Mb is maybe 1 hour of my limited hours I have per month. And also I realize that I only have SL (Spanish) SEP and you want EN.
Anyone having trouble updating SEP right now (Sun 4/4/21 at 12:50 Mountain Time)? Says unable to connect to server . . . . Again, unable to connect to server (Wed 4/7/21 at 11:09 Mountain Time). Using Windows 7 and SEP 14.2 Build 5569. Anyone having a similar problem?
Thanks for the offline updates. I thought those had not been available for a long time. When you say "last offine definitions" for SEP 12, do you mean the latest or do you mean they too will be discontinued? I'm already looking for a replacement AV, as I'm unable to install any SEP later than 12.2 on Windows 7.
When trying to install SEP 14.3 on my Windows 7 SP1, I get a message that it can only be installed if you already have kb4474419 installed. When I try to install kb4474419, it always says "failed to install". Been trying for a long, long time to figure this out and so far failed. Suggestions from others always end in same message. Wish I had an answer.
The checksums(SHA256) of the Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU1 MP1 Spoiler Code: Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3_RU1_MP1_All_Clients_EN.zip 38a5ee5b16f9cc5e0e0804e498d62f6d0d92d001f3de13d2e69ce94672773e2d Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3_RU1_MP1_Full_Installation_EN.exe 6b264556f45ecbfb55222ffef6c2e2b5f5f455afe253fc2ff2ce45edf5b68b2c
I've haven't heard of "Windows 7 Symplix Update" post SP1. Where can I go for more information about this?
Thanks LostED. ---- Edit: just one question though, about the all_clients package.. do they need activation?
Does anyone know where can I get this file? Code: Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_12.1.6_MP10_Full_Installation_SL.exe Yeah, I need it for a XP machine (I know now is EoSL)... and the old symantec servers are down (can't use it with wget). Thanks any help.