OK thank you. I disabled from SEPM in Admin/Servers/Edit Site Properties/LiveUpdate/Content Types to Download/Browser Extension I deleted it from registry everywhere (3 places) BUT it comes again. May be if first Update was already disabled, but I didn't know this extension exists so SEPM installed it. So i will try your way. Thank you
Thanks luzea for hosting the files. The server seems to be offline, could you make it available again please? edit: its online again, thanks!
Hi guys, I'm looking for these files please : Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_RU2_Win32-bit_Client_RU.exe Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_RU2_Win64-bit_Client_RU.exe Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_RU2_SEPM_RU.exe
Hello i am looking for German Version, Can someone help me (Symantec Endpoint Protection clients) ThX
SEP 12.1.6 (12.1.6 RU6 MP10) build 7454 (12.1.7454.7000) No Virus Defs updates anymore. That was the last version for XP.
Has someone archived the final offline virus definitions update installer for SEP 12 and can share?, I dont see the links anymore.
Just in case anyone else was curious or interested in pursuing the same: I have successfully installed SEP Build 14.3.4615.2000 on Windows 11 Build 22000.51. SEP’s LiveUpdate was successful, all SEP components are Green, was able to perform a manual AV scan and W11 has SEP as the AV & FW security component. Only minor issue is the SEP Reg Exclusions didn't take effect, will need to investigate. Otherwise so far so good for those of you that want to pursue this combo.