Hi, done. Thanks for your help, my bad, sorry, I need an english version. Again, sorry...Thanks again for your uploading
Hi all. Well this is it. I think Broadcom finally f**kED SEP for good with their mismanagement... LiveUpdate doesn't work any more... I get this result with versions 14.3.4615.2000 RU2 and 14.3.3580.1100 RU1 MP1 (the last two versions). Standalone update files (including Rapid Release) also don't work. I run SEP client on Win7 x64 SP1 btw. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? (does 14.2 [ie. full-Symantec releases] still work?) I sure hope so. Thanks /x13
You're an absolute STAR !!! I had set the wrong value for DefaultSecureProtocols Works fine now. SO glad that headache is over. I hope this will help others too. /x13
Hi, I have SEP client 14.3.4615.2000 RU2 on Win 7 SP1 x64 and have set all the DefaultSecureProtocols as per above post by pm67310, restarted my win7 a couple of times, still liveupdate fails. Can anyone help me. Standalone rapidreleases work though. Thank you.
Put the following text in a file with a .REG extension and double-click on it, then reboot. Also: Make sure DotNet 4.8 is installed! This should work. /x13
Thank you very much for such a prompt reply. Added those registry entries, restarted 2 times but alas, no success.
Running SEP 14.3.4615.2000 again, LiveUpdate is working again. BUT... All my exceptions keep disappearing. I re-entered them 4 times now. So this is DEFINITELY a Broadcom f**k-up, nothing to do with TLS. Anyone know how to fix this? If not, which previous version doesn't clear the exceptions?? /x13
LostEd: Thanks for download links, I got the full installation! Do you have another link to the client patches please, the one on opendirectory isn't working for me :'( x90126: "All my exceptions keep disappearing" <-- is this still happening? Can anyone else confirm that their exceptions are disappearing? I have had this issue in a previous version with a client only install and I'm not looking forward to having it happen again!
I will test the previous release (14.3.3580.1100) in VMware and report back... I ran some tests and I can confirm 14.3.3580.1100 doesn't delete the exceptions. So for anyone using 14.3.4615.2000 that have this problem, then I suggest downgrading. (yes, this implies uninstalling and reinstalling) /x13
LostEd: NVM, the link works now.. I think it was something to do with my dns server settings.. being in Australia includes Government dns block on sites that may or may not be infringing on some law or another :'( ) after changing the dns server from ISP DNS to cloudfront DNS server all working again! Sorry for mix-up! x90126: Thanks you for doing that, I will stay on 14.3.3580.1100 until we either have a resolution or there is a new update
I am running SEP 14.3.4615.2000, my exceptions are not disappearing, they are there, BUT my LiveUpdate is not working. I have fully updated Win 7 x64 with SHA-2 update and all the registry entries mentioned above. Anyone have any idea how to make LiveUpdate work? My LiveUpdate was not working on older version 14.3.3580.1100 either. Upgraded to 14.3.4615.2000 in hopes that it might work.
It's always a good idea to test any new updates (especially those involving a lot of configuration or have system-wide effect) in VMware of VirtualBox. Mea culpa: I didn't do that because usually SEP builds were solid, but now Broadcom is at the helm I will do that every time from now on! (they write good drivers, but I'm not impressed with their talents so far) /x13
ABCXYZ XYZ: Try re-installing as dark web client... and if no good try manually installing the definitions from the definitions packs offered on the broadcom site?
Before installing 14.3.4615.2000, I had CleanWiped the older version and then first installed the dark net client and tried, no luck with LiveUpdate. Then again CleanWiped and installed the standard client. So thanks for the suggestion, but I've already tried that. As for manual standalone definitions, they do work and my SEP is up-to-date on defs, but it is quite cumbersome to manually install, isn't it. Wish someone would have a real solution for LiveUpdate. Thanks.
ABCXYZ XYZ: The reason I suggested the manual definitions was because I had a dark client where the liveupdate wouldn't work and simply manually updating the defs and rebooting a few times seemed to correct it. And yeah manually updating all the time sounds like a massive hassle, I mean if worst came to worst you could write a script though I hope you find a better solution!