Does anyone experience an ocasional explorer.exe Application Hang 1002 on windows log on, due to an unmanaged SEP client under W10? Sometimes explorer will hang and restart when clicking anything after the desktop is shown. I'm trying to figure out what is causing it, and I'm down to SEP. Thanks. Update: I confirm that's SEP related. Only using Defender doesn't cause it under W10.
to get beyond the trial period you only need to install the unmanaged client, and stay full forever fixed new version Symantec Endpoint Protection MP3 12.1.6608.6300 (x86-x64)
Is anyone able to install Symantec Endpoint Manager on Windows 10? I'm only getting the message "Symantec Endpoint Manager has detected that there are pending system changes that require reboot. Please reboot the system and rerun the installation" no matter what I do. Installing the client does not give any messages like this.
Do anyone else feel like Insight, Download Insight and Sonar is overly aggressive? I figure it's because of this being optimised for business and enterprise but I find the software to be really frustrating to deal with when it comes to "false positives". Each and every time Sonar or any of my scheduled scans are finding something it does not like there is no easy way to get the item excluded and restored. Most of the time I will be able to chose restore, but there is no automatic exclusion so the item just gets tossed right back into Quarantine a few moments later. Heading into Quarantine there is no obvious way to whitelist the said file / adding it to the exclusion list.. This is really annoying. I have no real issue with getting false positives. It's better to manually whitelist and restore files instead of crap getting into the system. But this huge lack of any sensible and efficient way to whitelist quarantined files seems really stupid. Only way to avoid all of this is to disable Insight, Download Insight and Sonar all together but that's obviously not something one would want to do.
I tried it & find it good. Does it auto-upgrades or every time I will have to download the new version from here?
There are no auto-upgrades. You have to install every new version by yourself. But any "old" version still gets updates (virus signatures) for a while. So, no hurry....
I have 12.1.6 MP3 installed, now 12.1.6 MP4 released, so you mean it will not auto-upgrade from 12.1.6 MP3 to 12.1.6 MP4 & I will have to download & over-install, right?