I installed on my MacBook the version you posted the link. I'm French people and my computer speak French too. Check in your Mac.
To remove the Symantec extension from Chrome, close Chrome, go to the folder: %localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ and delete the pamolibmfebkknkdmfabpjebifbffbec folder. Then add the above registry key to ensure that it doesn't come back into Chrome
An easier way would be to switch to Brave or Comodo Dragon, which are both Crome-based (without the privacy leaks) ... /x13
Did you remember to add this key and reboot: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome] "ExtensionSettings"="{\"pamolibmfebkknkdmfabpjebifbffbec\":{\"installation_mode\":\"blocked\"}}"
Hello! I need SEP(All_Clients)14.3.0_RU4 Japanese (JP) Language Can someone please upload the file? Thank you
To remove the chrome extension and prevent future reinstall: 1. remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist\1 2. remove permission to system user from the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist
Could you please show us the steps you used to remove permission to the SYSTEM user? I had actually spent some time trying to get this method to work but it did not survive a reboot. What I did is Right click the key ExtensionInstallForcelist -> Permissions... Select user SYSTEM Check the Deny box for Full Control Remove the String Value "1" inside ExtensionInstallForcelist Reboot Wait for a minute or two The SEP icon at the notification tray would show a warning saying "Browser Intrusion Prevention is malfunctioning" The String Value "1" inside ExtensionInstallForcelist would appear again after pressing F5 to refresh in the registry editor I tried setting the permissions all the way to the Policies level and it didn't help It looks to me after reboot, despite the denied permissions, SEP is able to completely delete the entire "Google" key under Policies and restore the extension force list. I'm using Windows 10 and RU4.
I tried setting deny on all users in the list, including ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES, Account Unknown, Authenticated Users, SYSTEM, and Administrators. I did it at all levels all the way up to even SOFTWARE\Policies But it doesn't survive a reboot. A minute or two after reboot, the entire SOFTWARE\Policies\Google key would be re-built and all the permissions on Policies would be reset.
Hello, somebody has some links for this software Symantec Endpoint Protection french version please ?
Someone please use the Japanese version of( Symantec_Endpoint_Protection_14.3.0_RU4_All_Clients_JP) thank you.
Is there a Japanese version of 14.3 RU4 14.3.7388.4000? I really want a Japanese version. Please help!
Unfortunately, it seems to me that only the English version of 14.3 RU4 is available at the moment. For my part I am looking for the complete version 14.3 RU4 with SEPM and all the clients in Spanish and French.