[DISCUSSION] Third party uninstaller tools

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by acyuta, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
    The first time I bought the Pro version after reading so many good reviews, I formatted my laptop just for the sake of having all my installations of my programs monitored with Revo Uninstaller and to ensure everything works perfect...I installed all the programs one at a time....

    One day, there was an update for Java, so I uninstalled the current Java using Revo Uninstaller but when I launched Firefox all my bookmarks, settings, addons were gone! as if I had just installed Firefox....

    I was very mad and contacted Revo and got a refund.....they didn't even argue with me or try to tell me that I did something wrong....seems they know their uninstaller has some issues.....

    anyway, a few months later, Revo Uninstaller was on a 50% discount......so I thought let me give it another chance because according to all reviews I read it seems to be the best....

    This time I bought it......installed and activated.... then I had a small glitch with my laptop so I formatted and reinstalled Revo Uninstaller but it wouldn't activate!!!

    I contacted support and they reset my activation code although I told them I was not happy about it being so darn sensitive it's not like I formatted a 100 times or used it on another laptop......my laptops has the same computer name their app should be able to tell like all other programs which have an activation method....

    Anyway.....they reset my code......but after a few days, when I launched Revo Uninstaller....it again told me it was an Unregistered Version!

    So much for being honest and paying for an app!!

    I have lost faith in this company and they issued me a refund yet again....at least they don't rip you off in that....

    I have learned my lesson....I won't bother with these Uninstallers at it takes double the time to install apps while having them monitored and any small glitch or disk activity and you are asking for troubles.....

    Furthermore, Revo Uninstaller currently does not support installation of programs which require a reboot like Neto 11 for example..after Nero 11 installs a few components, it reboots then continues to install the rest.... Revo's take on this was that I need to create to monitoring logs and name them Nero (part 1) and Nero (part 2)...installation of programs which require a reboot will be supported in the next version of Revo Uninstaller but for now you have to do it manually and I still don't see how this would work when you want to uninstall that program and it has 2 logs....

    just wanted to share my experience on this....

    Ill never use an Uninstaller or registry cleaner anymore as they do more harm than good.
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  2. Opus

    Opus MDL Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    I have been using Revo Uninstaller for a long time now. I never had issues with registration and other stuff. Even if it doesn't support the reboot requiring programs, it does a good job getting rid of remaining traces of particular programs (assuming you installed the program normally without Revo recording). Without it you will need at least 10 minutes to remove the left overs and there is a good chance that you may wreak havoc to your registry settings, if not very careful. With recording it keeps tracks of every change that installer makes (surely I'll never uninstall MS office with Revo). In my point of view, it is a great program.
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  3. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    What can I say as a person who can search the registry e.c.t after a normal unistall through control panel.
    I do use Revo Uninstaller at one time I would not use a program like that but at the end of the day, it is down to user experience same with any program of this type same with registry cleaners.
    You are given a choice after the normal program does it's uninstall they search for lost files and registry settings e.c.t.
    To me it can be more user fault than any of these programs I know it should not be like that but say there are different levels of cleaning but you need to know the risks if you do not know what you are deleting :(
  4. ian82

    ian82 MDL Expert

    Mar 7, 2012
    Very interesting post frmo a member on Anandtech Forums on this:

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  5. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    #25 urie, Jun 9, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2012
    Exactly, as I said I do use Revo Uninstaller but I do not have it running as a task to monitor every installation. I also use a old program called InstallWatch Pro which does take a snapshot from the registry and when you have installed your software it will give you a report a lot of programs can do this but not like InstallWatch Pro it saves your registry settings from before and after installation and you can export the registry settings, that are ideal for unattended software installations :biggrin:
    And as you mentioned there is no way a program can monitor user uses after program is installed.
  6. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011
    idk why you've had so much of a problem, i've been using the pro version for several months and have never had one problem.

    as far as losing firefox bookmarks i don't think it had anything to do with revo and if it did you didn't double check all the things revo wanted to delete during the uninstall of java

    sounds more like a user fault than a program fault to me...
  7. kennyboy

    kennyboy MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    there was a thread on here about reveo uninstaller but i dont seem to be able to find it now can some1 help me out with the thread where it is .im running windows7 but when i uninstall programes it does not give me the csan to delete reg keys and some1 had posted on here how to remove them without 3rd party software. can some1 please point me to it.as revo as seemed to stop workinng .is there a 64bit for windows 7 thanks or does any1 know of a free software thanks.
  8. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
  9. kennyboy

    kennyboy MDL Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    thanks to every1 your replys have been very helpfull thank you.
  10. emerica243

    emerica243 MDL Novice

    Mar 3, 2010
    Total uninstall is great too
  11. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
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  12. acooldozen

    acooldozen MDL Novice

    Apr 25, 2011
    I have been using the Pro version for 5 years or so.......................You MUST READ what the final session is going to delete! It requires USER input!
  13. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    You woke up a dead thread. Welcome to June of 2012 lol
  14. Doghen

    Doghen Guest

    Hey there, i'm new to Revo Uninstaller..
    can i trust this Software to uninstall all leftovers of programs?
    because i don't want get viruses or s**t on my pc :(
  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    When you obtained an original copy and bought a license it should be ok.
  16. Doghen

    Doghen Guest

    What is the official site of Revo Uninstaller, and i just wanna use the Free (Portable) version from the site is that good enough and either Virus-free, trustable? Cheers
  17. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
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