I don't know. I reinstalled Windows before I installed qBittorrent. Now I have the problem again for some reason.
Try installing OneClickFirewall by Winaero, once installed it allows you to block a program or give full access to the internet with one click, if it is the firewall this might be a simple fix. It will take a few mins and if it doesnt work OneClickFirewall is still a handy tool to have on your PC. OneClickFirewall is great for stopping individual applications phoning home. Pesonally I doubt its the firewall, all the latest Torrent Clients open up the right ports on installation unless you are not accepting that option? Are you using Windows Firewall or some other third party offering? If you are using a third party firewall that will probably be the cause. I use dynamic IP without a problem, I assume that when you refer to a static IP you mean that you have not set up a static IP from your PC to your router? You had to do this once upon a time but those days are long gone.
Try to use another torrent client such as Deluge or Tixati. Perhaps its qbittorent which is having some problems.It was updated recently. Also, your ISP may be blocking your connection. One way to deal with this problem is to use a Vpn Try to use Kerish Doctor, a trial, because it is a paid product. There are tons of tools in it to fix and optimize network issues. And lastly you may try resetting your firewall settings, or reset your network adapters and restart your Pc. If you use a security suite, antivirus which has a firewall with it, it may cause some problems.
Qbittorrent is updated regularly, I am running the latest version 4.0.3 without a problem. I have not had a problem with any of the recent releases.
I torrent through a VPN to be safe. okayfreedom/steganos have free giveaways for unlimited data for a year. decent speeds of 20mbit.
Stop using uTorrent. The last known good version is 2.2.1, and every version before that. Anything newer than that is bloated. This or use qBittorrent which is very similar and has more features.
Hey guys, from AFAIK, Torrent protocol has lots of known vulnerabilities, DHT connects to random IPs connected via DHT, meanwhile DHT, UDP, trackers connect to seeders, leechers, but lots of times, malware servers, seed or leech, or just become a connected peer in torrents, attack/send damaged/corrupt malicious packets via MITM. Of course using Seedboxes is the best, safest way to download torrents, since Gigabit seedboxes download the actual torrent file which there's no telling if it's infected, stegnographed with malware or not, all of which are immune to seedboxes, finish small downloads very fast, then hit-and-run, stop seeding instant when finished to save own self-bought seedbox from uploading, wasting precious bandwidth, also since there are lot of other seeders, seedboxes make sure to seed it for long in public trackers, not private. Then transfer the downloads using a secure range random port, via HTTPS, SSL even going to as far as using no-log VPN to encrypt traffic, prevent any intervention, tampering, interception, manipulation, possible MITM, or malicious packets by ISP’s, any attackers, to local device/server via direct single server-to-endpeer connection, or FTP. Meanwhile some of the best things about DDL is you can increase connections to 16 for best performance, can download at maximum bandwidth available provided by ISP, secure private server-to-enduser DDL, that only ISP (if any can trace, but that too requires lot of effort if it's transferred over HTTPS/SSL) has option to preserve original timestamp. Meanwhile In IRC; DCC, XDCC, CTCP you register, verify a nick, connect to a channel that has a file server XDCC, CTCP bot, it's entirely direct to user) bot-to-user, can be hidden from main channel, directly send reqs, commands via PM to the concerned bot, IIRC currently well-reputated clients, channels now allow you to enforce only over HTTPS/SSL connections, but one thing is for some reason XDCC servers provide less transfer speed compared to Torrents, DDL, Downloaders like JD, IDM. So is there any way to increase no of connections, set transfer speed to maximum allowed by server & per maximum bandwidth in HexChat?