hi, my os is XP SP2. I use uTorrent for torrents when i use IDM for file downloading, i get a speed of 150KBps(my line is 1Mbps). But when i try to download some thing using torrent, icant get speed more than 10KBps. 1. i tried with most popular torrentsso i get max seeders(say 4000+) 2. i used isohunt and torrentz for torrent search 3. i tried Bit Torrent as alternative but no use. Is it possible that my ISP has restricted torrents use??? What should i do?
thnx a ton man...that really solved it..well i m new to these things and cant figure out some basic things some times...
E.T. stands for ExtraTorrent I dunno regarding peerblock. They have some portable versions I think though
Hello! Any body know how to cheat Bit Torrent client 7.2 to increase my ratio? In our country our upload speed i lower than 4 times comparing Download speed.
You want to cheat others and the idea that was meant for the fair sharing of information to the community that has a common interest or goal which otherwise wouldn't exist if not for the generosity of a few? What an @sshole!
1. Don't cheat, just share ... give back what you take. 2. If you're worried about your ratio, I guess it's a private tracker you want to cheat ... there's a good chance that you'll be banned, they're not stupid. 3. In many countries DL:UL is 10:1, so you're lucky to have it 4:1 ...
If you don`t like having to seed then look into usenet and alt.bins there are some very cheap unlimited download deals at the moment. Your ratio is stored on the sites server. The only way would be to change your details on the server itself. My down/upload speeds are 20Mb down 1Mb(on good days)up.
I like to seed but the problem is i can't reach 1:1 . because of my upload speed. So now my Bit torrent client ratio is"0.214". So if i maintain ratio lower 1:1 then my download speed will decrease? Actually i want improve only my PC installed torrent client ratio (bit torrent 7.2), I don't want increase my private or public trackers ratio? Because of i can improve my private tracker ratio if i pay money for that site moderators or if i upload torrent they also increase my ratio in considerable amount i already have higher ratio in my private torrent tracker(my current ratio is 35.577). So i ask how to improve my torrent client ratio so don't misunderstand it. I'm rally so sorry my poor English. I don't want increase my private torrent tracker speed!
Hello! Does any body have good idea why sometimes all torrent pieces mode is slow? How to depend on torrent pieces speed/mode? Is it effect my upload ratio?