It's as fast as the swarm seeds you No matter what torrentclient you use. ps, utorrent (microtorrent) is from the makers of Bittorrent.
That is a risk one takes regardless of the download method. Perhaps an option like Sandboxie would be a good choice for you. Install your downloaded program in a sandbox, if things go afoul, just delete the sandbox and create a new one. < shrugs > P.S. When installing anything, pay close attention to what each screen is asking. That will eliminate 95% of the advertising and the so called "browser hijacks". Way too many people just click OK to everything and then wonder what happened to their homepage and search engine.
I suspect transmission's rates also have something to do with the OS, I have set up NAS4Free on another box and transmission is a part of that package. Yeah, I picked up on the "micro" the moment I first saw the "µ". I was into radio long before computers and a microfarad, symbolized as µF, is a unit of measurement for capacitors.
It's always also hardware related and the max speed of the used internet connection, what's not related is which software is used ps, i didn't have the energy to lookup the correct ASCII code for the symbol
The systems here are comparable, both quad core, µtorrent on the 3 GHz ( MSI A88x-G45 ) Windows 7, Transmission on the 2.7 ( or was it 2.4 ? ) GHz ( MSI FM2-A75MA-E35 ) NAS4Free package. Nothing is overclocked at the moment. Gigabit intranet with the bottleneck being an old HP laptop ( 6910p ) used to connect to and distribute ( and isolate from, when needed ) the internet via WiFi at 54 Mb/s, also Windows 7. Transmission wins hands down. < shrugs > Sucks getting old, doesn't it ? LOL Copy/paste is your friend.
Is there a way to check trackers to build a personalized trackers list to avoid trolls, spoofed, fake, anti-privacy, anti-piracy trackers. I have a list of trackers (public) that I gathered, about 50, but it's far from ideal. Thanks!
Are there actually any programs or anything free that I can use to have privacy while using torrenting software? I was cited for my IP containing downloads from 3 different movies. I have no money to pay for a vpn. Anything free? This is getting ridiculous. My browser was hijacked with a REAL pop up from my ISP, it forwarded to their actual https site. We called and I was talking about privacy violation and why they didn't direct mail it to me, instead of hijacking my browser, I got no answer. So when I asked for her name and extension number...I was hung up on.
Change to another ISP maybe don't know where you live but here it is hard to imagine that something like that could happen
use a vpn, simple and definitely the solution and forget about Opera which gives no warranty on confidentiality and is about to be sold to the chinese ! try steganos, F-Secure Freedome and their kins
I use LiquidVPN, excellent speeds and 0 logging policy and they don't tell you anything about DMCA notices
I have set my computer to go into Sleep Mode (not Hibernation) after 20 minutes of inactivity. From what I have noticed, if I leave a browser on, even if not downloading anything, the computer won’t go into sleep mode. But if I close the browser and leave the qBittorrent client open, the computer will go into Sleep Mode, even if files are downloading. So my questions: Why does the computer go into Sleep Mode when files are downloading in qBittorrent? Doesn’t that count as activity? Is there a way to continue downloading these files while the computer is in Sleep Mode?
In settings -> behaviour, enable inhibit sleep when torrents are active. I don't think it's possible for torrents to be active while in sleep mode in windows.