Uup vs esd what is thr difference between UPP & ESD in Windows 10 ? is UPP is smaller size than ESD ?
One difference is ESD is a single file download. The UUP is made up of several files, folders, Mini-ESD's etc. The UUP Tool lets you choose what version of Win 10 you want Core, Pro, Edu, Cloud etc
Perma (MCT/WU/AU/UA) ESD = Combined(sl)(n): HomeSingleLanguage, Home (+ N), Pro (+ N) and Education (+ N) Only ESD via the insider WU = single index
Thanks @abbodi1406 was missing amd64fre_Client_en-us_lp.cab assumed it would create en-us format iso default
There should be a small .esd file called something like: "Professional_xx-xx.esd, Core_xx-xx.esd, etcetc.." The shown folders are Delta UUP folders.
Spoiler: ReadMe.txt # Attention # - If the upgrade is down via Express UUP (where files are expanded into multiple folders in the download directory) you need to perform the UUP > ISO operation before starting the upgrade process (before first restart) to do so, when WU prompt you to restart, start convert-UUP.cmd and paste the path to download directory, example: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\07172dda91861218ecc095600216d792
Why difference in size of ISO's for 16188 using Adguard and Abbodi 1406 UUP Tools Adguard 16188.1000.170430-1928.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO 4,083,694 kb install.wim 3,471,673 kb Abbodi 1406 16188.1000.170430-1928.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO 4,069,470 kb install.wim 3,461,504 kb
Because you are so lazy to REALLY search https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/uup-dump.75052/ It's UUP not UPP btw
16278 is latest Slow Ring Build. You can find info here https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/discussion-windows-10-insider-preview-build-16278-pc.75019/ Read 1st post.