I just finished download 17763.168.1.10 en-US AIO (4in1) x64. Still I got 4 Eds ( Home+N, Pro+N). Is this tool update with current KBs and base RTM 17763.1 consumer and create 4 Eds? I expect you program (v1.1.0 A6 or A7) can create a same SKU indexes like Base 17763.1 Consumer Ed (11) indexes. What is difference between W10U v5.6 and v1.1.0.A7? What I missed to understand for it? I have a little confused it. Pls tell me. Thank you.
Standard UUP only delivers Home (+N) and Pro (+N). You can use scripts which create all possible sku's, like @abbodi1406 his "create_virtual_editions.cmd".
there was a poster asking a few weeks ago about the file size of the ISOs being made were different I've noticed the same thing and posted these so that he could see them, easily ignored IMO if there's no interest
Unlike Full ESD where boot.wim is exported as-is, creating boot.wim from UUP require mounting and modifying winre.wim with dism.exe it's not size-proof process
A question: @mkuba50 We had "UUP dump downloader v1.1.0-alpha.8" why are we receiving v1.0.1? Sorry if misunderstood!
Just wanted to jump in and take the time, maybe more than once to thank mkuba50, the guide doggy and all others who contribute to make it easier to navigate in the MS sea of confusion. Thanks guys.
@mkuba50, What is difference between Cumulative Update and Feature Update Download from UUP Dump Online and UUP Downloader? Just update KBs different? What I found both UUP Folder has a same ESD but except 2KBs and 4KBs apply to update. Thank you.
@mkuba50 "Feature update to Windows 10, version 1809 (17763.194)" Spoiler php\php.exe -c php\php.ini src\fetchdetect.php amd64 retail current 17134 1 Code: [2018-12-15 17:13:03 UTC] UUP dump UUPDL Edition v1.1.2 [2018-12-15 17:13:03 UTC] UUP dump API v1.17.1 [2018-12-15 17:13:03 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Information has been successfully fetched. [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Checking build information for update 1 of 1... [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] --- UPDATE INFORMATION --- [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Title: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1809 (17763.194) [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Architecture: amd64 [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Build number: 17763.194 [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Update ID: a385185a-d7dd-4f9a-8bc4-9a0baf8548d8 [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] --- UPDATE INFORMATION --- [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] WARNING: This build is NOT in the database. It will be saved now. [2018-12-15 17:14:10 UTC] Parsing information to write... [2018-12-15 17:14:16 UTC] Successfully parsed the information. [2018-12-15 17:14:16 UTC] Writing new build information to the disk... [2018-12-15 17:14:16 UTC] Successfully written build information to the disk. [2018-12-15 17:14:16 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-12-15 17:14:16 UTC] Done parsing database info. [2018-12-15 17:14:16 UTC] Generating packs... [2018-12-15 17:14:16 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-12-15 17:15:31 UTC] Information has been successfully fetched. [2018-12-15 17:15:31 UTC] Parsing information... [2018-12-15 17:15:32 UTC] Successfully parsed the information. [2018-12-15 17:15:32 UTC] Downloading aggregated metadata: a385185a-d7dd-4f9a-8bc4-9a0baf8548d8.aggregatedmetadata.cab [2018-12-15 17:16:41 UTC] Unpacking aggregated metadata: a385185a-d7dd-4f9a-8bc4-9a0baf8548d8.aggregatedmetadata.cab [2018-12-15 17:16:41 UTC] Unpacking info file: DesktopTargetCompDB_CoreCountrySpecific_zh-cn.xml.cab [2018-12-15 17:16:41 UTC] Unpacking info file: DesktopTargetCompDB_coren_bg-bg.xml.cab ... [2018-12-15 17:16:44 UTC] Unpacking info file: DesktopTargetCompDB_professional_zh-tw.xml.cab [2018-12-15 17:16:44 UTC] Successfully written generated packs. 17763.194|amd64|a385185a-d7dd-4f9a-8bc4-9a0baf8548d8|Feature update to Windows 10, version 1809 (17763.194)|17763.194 Spoiler requests.php: added DataVer_RS5=1936 to $attrib = array Code: $attrib = array( 'App=WU_OS', 'AppVer='.$build, 'AttrDataVer=52', 'BranchReadinessLevel=CB', 'CurrentBranch='.$branch, 'DataVer_RS5=1936', 'DeviceFamily=Windows.Desktop', 'FirmwareVersion=6.00', 'FlightContent='.$flight, 'FlightRing='.$ring, 'FlightingBranchName=external', 'Free=32to64', 'GStatus_RS5=2', 'InstallDate=1438196400', 'InstallLanguage=en-US', 'InstallationType=Client', 'IsDeviceRetailDemo=0', 'IsFlightingEnabled='.$flightEnabled, 'IsRetailOS='.$isRetail, 'OEMModel=Largehard Device Model 42069', 'OEMModelBaseBoard=Largehard Base Board', 'OEMName_Uncleaned=Largehard', 'OSArchitecture='.$arch, 'OSSkuId='.$sku, 'OSUILocale=en-US', 'OSVersion='.$build, 'ProcessorIdentifier=Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 9', 'ProcessorManufacturer=GenuineIntel', 'TelemetryLevel=1', 'UpdateManagementGroup=2', 'UpgEx_RS5=Green', 'WuClientVer='.$build, ); got it from 17134.1 WU log, after running CompatTelRunner.exe -m:appraiser.dll -f: DoScheduledTelemetryRun Code: DeviceAttributes[URI]: E:BranchReadinessLevel=CB&PonchAllow=0&ProcessorIdentifier=x86%20Family%206%20Model%2023%20Stepping%2010&CurrentBranch=rs4_release&DataVer_RS5=1936&OEMModel=VMware%20Virtual%20Platform&FlightRing=Retail&AttrDataVer=54&InstallLanguage=en-US&OSUILocale=en-US&OEMModelBaseBoard=440BX%20Desktop%20Reference%20Platform&FirmwareVersion=6.00&InstallationType=Client&FlightingBranchName=&Version_RS5=9&UpgEx_RS5=Green&GStatus_RS5=2&OSSkuId=48&App=WU&InstallDate=1544878766&ProcessorManufacturer=GenuineIntel&OEMName_Uncleaned=VMware%2C%20Inc.&AppVer=10.0.17134.1&OSArchitecture=x86&UpdateManagementGroup=2&IsDeviceRetailDemo=0&HidOverGattReg=C%3A%5CWindows%5CSystem32%5CDriverStore%5CFileRepository%5Chidbthle.inf_x86_92e836ac86430400%5CMicrosoft.Bluetooth.Profiles.HidOverGatt.dll&IsFlightingEnabled=0&TelemetryLevel=1&DefaultUserRegion=244&Bios=2013&WuClientVer=10.0.17134.1&Free=8to16&OSVersion=10.0.17134.1&DeviceFamily=Windows.Desktop ProductAttributes: PN=Client.OS.rs2.x86&Branch=rs4_release&PrimaryOSProduct=1&V=10.0.17134.1;PN={2959b9a0-a7e2-5748-9008-576a0e297afc}_x86&V=;PN={4270eed1-4758-545b-8280-b80f0eb947c8}_x86&V=;PN={b20c27de-d6bc-5967-8ce9-1e1a31fee232}_x86&V=;PN={bf394fe3-dc4c-54f1-ae58-9317a4608331}_x86&V=; | CallerAttributes: E:Interactive=1&IsSeeker=1&SheddingAware=1&Id=UpdateOrchestrator& | CurrentVersionOnly: No