i thought there is a way not to include them in the image , cause any way i uninstall them with the NTLite pro , and i never had any issues so far in the last 2 years using LTSB 2016 iso Thanks anyway .. i wanted just a very simple Windows Core edition to updated and use it ...
@balanadi building install.wim require all listed/downloaded packages only live upgrade through Windows Update can neglect disabled features
Some things I discovered that when searching the Internet, a lot of people have been p--ed off about the errors, but not known why… • If you run any of the cmd's from uup.rg-adguard from the root of a drive, e.g. D:\ You will always get the ERROR: UUP Edition file is not found in specified directory error. Additionally, if you run the commands from a non-admin user, and then create an elevated command prompt and run them there, BITSADMIN will fail to download the required support files (\bin) because of the following: Error 0x800704dd The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist. So you must not do that either. After figuring those two things out on my own, I thought I'd share.
Wonderful. Fantastically dismissive, and yet also I wasn't looking for support but simply informing those who might run into the issue that it exists and what the workaround was. Maybe instead, let me know where your highness would prefer I post that information, since you care not to read it here…
Post it somewhere that people care about adgaurd's inferior UUP dump service and related scripts, your lowness!
It's always bad idea to run scripts or store files in the root of drive (specially if it's OS drive), always use subdirectory
First, the one you are insulting is the founder/creator of all UUP download developments, instantly copied by adguard and back then, no credits given, second, adguard doesn't post his stuff here and thereby it's not supported on MDL, he has his own forum.
Okay. Thanks for the information. Didn't know the back story, there - try not to involve myself in internet drama, but I've started using the MDL supported tools now that you've elaborated on the details. Not trying to insult anyone… I posted some information I thought would be helpful, got a curt response and like I said, not aware of the details you explained. Good to know. I appreciate anyone who's made UUP download and compilation possible.
Bug report here. KB4524244 won't integrate and caused the update process to abort and the image to unmount. This was fixed by @abbodi1406 in W10UI v8.0. Any chance the fix can be implemented in the UUP conversion script?