[DISCUSSION] UUP dump - download Windows 10/11 UUPs with ease

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by whatever127, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. archangeliques

    archangeliques MDL Member

    May 2, 2017
  2. archangeliques

    archangeliques MDL Member

    May 2, 2017
    Well, it's already gone. It's unfortunate that the tool doesn't save the progress into a log file then. So, we have nothing to work with now?
  3. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    #3444 AveYo, Oct 2, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
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  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Simply running this in an elevated cmd should help with the unmounting errors:
    dism /cleanup-wim
    I agree with @BAU all seems a bit sloppy.

    About the log, just never close a cmd window without checking it first for errors and/or copy/pasting the content to a txt file.
  5. archangeliques

    archangeliques MDL Member

    May 2, 2017
    You are hilarious... You not only misunderstand but also confuse things together. Do NOT make things up and comment based on your biased opinions. Your arrogant attitude does not helping anyone. I won't let you to make me look like an "ignorant newbie" who came here for discredit the work of great people who do phenomenal work.

    Let's try one more time. This time I'll try to explain it as simple as it can get, at the elementary school level, obviously we need such level now. :)

    5.000.001th time :)

    There are 2 laptops.

    Laptop 1: An old Celeron with 4 gig of ram, running Win10.
    The script downloaded and ran FOR THE FIRST TIME in this machine. The ini file that I shared belong to this computer's script which has ALL EDITIONS AND ALL ADDITIONAL EDITIONS. It took ages to complete, threw errors and pages of access is denied errors as well. The script RAN FOR THE FIRST TIME and resulted errors.

    Laptop 2: An old i5 with 8 gig of ram. Formatted and installed Windows 10 Home with the ISO file created with Laptop 1. The script downloaded and ran FOR THE FIRST TIME in this machine too. It took slightly shorter than Laptop 1 but script threw the same errors and access is denied errors too. Config was almost the same, I just didn't select the .Net Framework.

    In the meantime I was talking with @Enthousiast about it and then you started to interfere in with a great arrogance and mess things up. You even confused @Enthousiast as far as I see his last comment which agrees you?! @Enthousiast, don't agree with him, he basically doesn't know what he is talking about.

    While I was talking with @Enthousiast, he told me the progress info is only in the cmd window and isn't saved to any file. So, I decided to download A NEW SCRIPT with a DIFFERENT CONFIG, this time I only selected PRO and deselected N editions from ADDITIONAL EDITIONS and started the script in the Laptop 2. I kept updating/editing my last post as the progress goes. THE NEW SCRIPT ran in a different folder, it's not I was adding or changing configs in the same folder and keep starting it over and over!

    I knew you are going to jump on it when I say "I'm running the script with a different config, only selected Pro this time.". As we can see it's not even close to what you understand, is it? It's a great pleasure to prove you wrong btw :)
    Now a lecture about how "technical forums" are? LOL. As it can be seen:
    - did NOT do anything wrong
    - misrepresent the situation
    - don't have a problem on my end

    Let me tell you what is getting hysterical over, being dishonest, being disrespectful and being lame. It is YOU and YOUR ATTITUDE without understanding what is going on and start flagging someone as "ignorant newbie", confusing things together, making things up and talking nonsense about them all.

    Don't try to cover your arrogance by making Enthousiast look like an ubermensch, or a Saint etc. He's just a normal guy who likes helping people with no arrogance.

    So, don't be such guy, try to be like a normal guy, like Enthousiast for instance. If you can't, stay out of it. You might be good at scripts and coding but helping or guiding other people requires other skills which apparently you don't have.

    @Enthousiast, since I clarified the things which were messed up by someone, let's continue debugging it. From the previous post I posted the errors script threw. There are errors and error codes. All 2 scripts ran for the first time on different machines and yet gave the same errors. By looking at the data I provided in the previous post, can that ISO be used? If so. any risk of using that ISO to install windows? What might be causing the same errors? What do you think?
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #3447 Enthousiast, Oct 2, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
    But i always thought i was...:rolleyes:

    The ISO from the progress you show is not usable, the access denied messages comes either from running it in a too long filepath (always keep the path short and simple), a space in the path, AV, an opened explorer window or an earlier attempt that was not cleaned up well, considering the message the mount folder is not empty.

    Check for leftover mount folders still containing files from a previous attempt, if there still are any left, run this in an elevated cmd:
    DISM /Cleanup-WIM
    now delete the mount folder and re-run the windows download script and don't close the cmd before you copy/paste the content.
  7. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    every time I start downloading via a new UUP Dump script, I get these errors.

    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    Error: 0xc1420117
    The directory could not be completely unmounted.  This is usually due to applications that still have files opened within the mount directory.  Close these files and unmount again to complete the unmount process.
    The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Error: 0xc1420127
    The specified image in the specified wim is already mounted for read/write access.
    The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Error: 0xc1510115
    The specified image is invalid.
    Unmount the image or clean up the Wim and then try again.
    The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\DismCore2Pro.log
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.18362.1
    Error: 0xc142011d
    The specified mounted image cannot be committed back into the WIM.  This occurs when an image has been through a partial unmount or when an image is still being mounted.  If this image was unmounted with commit earlier, then the commit probably succeeded.  Please validate that this is the case and then unmount without commit.
    The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim" original size: 4438623 KiB
    Using LZX compression with 4 threads
    Archiving file data: 7524 MiB of 7524 MiB (100%) done
    "ISOFOLDER\sources\install.wim" optimized size: 3244336 KiB
    Space saved: 1194287 KiB

    When finished, I type "0" to finish.

    I do the cleaning by unmounting the mounting points, through NTlite.

    I delete the created ISO and start the procedure again and everything is going well. Create the new ISO without errors and finish. Everything is OK.

    Would it be necessary to have a command to force a cleaning of mount points before starting the creation of virtual indexes?
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009

    That's either because of an overactive AV or some explorer window opened during the process.

    When a project went wrong try this:
    DISM /Cleanup-WIM
  9. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I always make sure that I do not touch the folders assembled during the process. Especially after seeing, a few months ago (when I started to do the tests and learn more about the use of the scripts), that this happened when I tried to change something within the points assembled during the execution of the MSMG Toolkit or Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX .

    So... Even if I'm not in the folders the script uses? Just using windows explorer for other activities? Does not make sense.
    Thank you, I know about that command. But through NTLite, a box informs you that there is an error of mount conflicts of "WinRe.wim" inside the "temp" folder with the mount of the "install.wim" image inside the "ISOFolder".
    I think there is something extra there.
  10. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Any open Explorer window can block DISM, although I made the experience that only the open Folders on the same drive seem to do.
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  11. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    About open folders: this is strange. It is a fact that the first time it does not work. Then I repeat the procedure and everything goes well. The first time, some compilation is performed. The second time, as such a compilation has already been done, you should go to the next step, the Script has several checks of this type to avoid repeating tasks.

    @Enthousiast ,
    I'm putting the
    "DISM /Cleanup-WIM" = "%_dism1% /Cleanup-Wim %_Nul3%" command in the convert-UUP.cmd session that calls create_virtual_editions.cmd to test.

    if %StartVirtual% neq 0 (
      if %RefESD% neq 0 call :uups_backup
      rem set _rtrn=BakISO&goto :errmount
      %_dism1% /Cleanup-Wim %_Nul3%
      if %AutoStart% neq 0 (goto :V_Auto) else (goto :V_Manu)
    Remembering that when running "uup_download_windows.cmd" the above files are overwritten. Then, after accepting the elevation of rights, I replace it with the versions I changed (remember that I commented that I had made changes to change the order of the indexes? That was successful).

    Base INDEXES

    Virtual INDEXES

    Note: this problem also happens with the untouched script. Just to make it clear that I already checked if it could be any changes I had made.

    Attached Files:

  12. Sjjd

    Sjjd MDL Novice

    Oct 11, 2020
    hi i wanna create windows 10 enterprise only that's what I learn from this forum
    first chose pro only then chose download, add additional and select windows 10 enterprise only (but i don't know what cleanup after updates options exactly do? please explain) and choose create iso with install.est instead of .wim
    then I should edit ConvertConfig.ini file for having only enterprise edition. but have I should do that? please someone help me I need it for tonight:worthy::worthy::worthy:
  13. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Two unrelated options:

    - Cleanup compresses superseded components

    In the convertconfig.ini you also can set this line:
    ResetBase    =1
    This completely removes superseded components

    - Selecting Enterprise as additional edition will create a Pro + Enterprise ISO, to have an Enterprise only ISO you have to edit this line in the convertconfig.ini
    Now it will create the Enterprise SKU and deletes the Pro SKU.
  14. donmiller

    donmiller MDL Addicted

    Jun 4, 2016
    On the uupdump website, I'm seeing the use of four ring definitions (Insider Fast, Insider Slow, Release Preview, and Retail). What is "Retail" in this context? My understanding is that there are only three definitions.

  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Public non Insider Preview.

    And FAST is now beta ring, test channel after sign of.
  16. donmiller

    donmiller MDL Addicted

    Jun 4, 2016
    So it is a variant of "Release Preview"?
  17. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Atm, they contain the same updates.
  18. lapone

    lapone MDL Novice

    Apr 10, 2014
    is there a trick to still get an updated LTSC iso through UUP?