Correct, it's the option for converting the install.wim to install.esd. Yep, that option enables dotnetfx35. MSFT also cleans up ISOs, it compresses superseded component from the sxs folder.
So it just changes the ConvertConfig's wim2esd's entry from "0" to "1"? Can it break updates (like being unable to install new ones or to remove installed ones), besides making the ISO smaller (I guess)?
install.esd can't be serviced, so as long as you want to service it (add updates, corrupt it by chopping, etcetc...) best to not select that option.
Enthousiast, can you dumb it up for me exactly? Does the two options, Integrate .NET Framework 3.5 and Run cleanup after updates integration are activated (or run) after you install Windows 10 on VM or a PC from the created ISO, or, it is something related to the creating of that ISO, if you get what I mean? Does the cleanup is run after you install the Windows 10, or the ISO is cleaned after you integrate the updates while creating that ISO image? I don't have deep knowledge about it, but I think you get what I am trying to ask here Also, is it recommended for those optons to be checked? Any side effects? Thanks in advance.
Both happen when preparing the iso. Forget about cleanup, it most often than not breaks things (failing next cumulative updates).
Afaik, that was only with badly created IP updates in the past, which didn't have all components updated (paraphrasing the info from back then). The cleanup runs before the enabling of dotnetfx35 during the integration process because it sets the pending flag, with the pending flag set you can't run any cleanup till the pending flag is gone by installing the ISO. In contrast to @BAU, i always use the cleanup with resetbase (except on 17763 aka 1809).
Well, you are doing dozens of tests each release, can't argue with that, but it's just on virtual machines and usually short-lived I suppose. Plus the converter script has seen quite frequent changes. My experience on real machines after cumulative updates is that stuff usually breaks, while not doing so without cleanup. I might be doing something extra to cause that, so I will try to isolate behavior on my further experiments. Editing the reply above, if anything happens, blame @Enthousiast
Not really all are vm's, my main system (on which .661 and .662 installed fine), my second system (on which .661 didn't install, .631 did and .662 also did), my Dell Latitude and my old Toshiba and the many downloaders of my releases (not to be discussed here). ps, all my comments are in the context of using W10UI and it's options.
Code: [convert-UUP] AutoStart =1 AddUpdates =1 Cleanup =1 ResetBase =1 NetFx3 =1 StartVirtual =0 wim2esd =0 SkipISO =0 SkipWinRE =0 ForceDism =0 RefESD =0 [create_virtual_editions] vAutoStart =1 vDeleteSource=0 vPreserve =0 vwim2esd =0 vSkipISO =0 vAutoEditions=Enterprise I guess this configuration is fine, and will give me clean ISO with pre-installed .FX 3.5?
It will enable dotnetfx35, yes, and integrate any available update from the build you've downloaded and cleanup/resetbase.
Got same problem error with this I mention above and it seems I cant insert Dism log file. I give up this for now.
Show at least the complete progress. And before retrying run this in an elevated cmd: Code: dism /cleanup-wim
On a new clean install windows same problem. Sorry for the long post I cant insert the log here I will edit it soon, my convert ini [convert-UUP] AutoStart =1 AddUpdates =1 Cleanup =1 ResetBase =0 NetFx3 =1 StartVirtual =1 wim2esd =0 SkipISO =0 SkipWinRE =0 ForceDism =0 RefESD =0 [create_virtual_editions] vAutoStart =1 vDeleteSource=0 vPreserve =0 vwim2esd =0 vSkipISO =0 vAutoEditions=CoreSingleLanguage,ProfessionalWorkstation,ProfessionalEducation,Education,Enterprise,ServerRdsh,ProfessionalWorkstationN,ProfessionalEducationN,EducationN,EnterpriseN
Now done this Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.1256] (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. C:\Windows\system32>dism /cleanup-wim Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.18362.1139 Unmounting image at C:\MountUUP [==========================100.0%==========================] Scanning drive C for stale files Scanning drive D for stale files Scanning drive E for stale files Scanning drive F for stale files Scanning drive H for stale files The operation completed successfully. C:\Windows\system32> does pc needed to be restartet first before try DL again? Thanks for try helping me, first time I got that error, have been doing DL from uup dump so many times without probs.