hi, yeah, from aria2. is it just the apps that are like this? I ask because I keep getting 403 errors. will setting the -j value in the download script higher help?
aria2 should try to redownload all the files, network issues are expected because MSFT servers are potato as well 403 errors.. are not expected, I'm not getting it no, only your en-gb language will be integrated, but we just need to download the whole outbox apps package
I didn't use exotic characters in the pathname, only charcaters from the Latin-1 set. But no problem with uupdump-win32-ia32. Thank you for your efforts. and contributions.
uupdump-win32-ia32 isn't working for me in D:\Downloads\Téléchargements\uupdump-win32-ia32 folder too uupdump.exe and my .cmd scripts are not working at all but you can download Apache24.7z from Stuff folder, extract it to anything and edit .\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf file in that config file edit 46 line to your path, in my case it's Code: Define SRVROOT "D:\Downloads\Téléchargements\Apache24" then you can run the server using uupdump-run-apache.cmd or just run ".\Apache24\bin\httpd.exe" file, or you can install Apache as a service (uupdump-apache-service-install.cmd + uupdump-apache-service-start.cmd) website will work as expected (but not my other .cmd scripts), I'm assuming something is wrong with PHP built-in server and PHP itself, it can't find php.ini for some reason
Hi, Just tried running an aria2 download script and got a "Press Any Key..." message, whereupon the script terminated. This happened both with a script for Win11 22H2 1344 that I downloaded just now and a a script for 1343 that I downloaded before the site went down for maintenance.
download links are in this post: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1780428 download and extract uupdump-x64.7z run uupdump-run-website.cmd and use local UUP dump website in your web browser on the home page you can find "Quick options" section — use it if you want to get latest client 22621+ builds but if you need something else use "+ New build" feature or just run uupdump-get-fileinfo+packs.cmd script and wait 5-7 minutes (you can rerun it if something is missing)
what build do you want? if it's 22621.1344 then click on the "Latest Release Preview build" in " Quick options" section ^ this is what you should get on RP channel
Doesn't work when an accentuated letter is part of the folder name. This is an apache/php limitation. Only use letters from the ASCII set to be quiet.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
I suppose. But this limitation is not really a problem. I have an application with Apache/PHP/MySQL and moved it to the Téléchargements folder : apache couldn't start.