Updated UUP dump local server to version 1.4.3 Changelog: - Added Team edition to the uupdump-get-fileinfo+packs.cmd and uupdump-get-fileinfo+packs-x64.cmd scripts p.s. builds archive is also updated
That was the detail I was missing, so, 22621 is used as an originating/source build number for dev. Will try the latest version ASAP. We'll see if it works correctly when they release the next Teams build.
Code: Unable to retrieve data from Windows Update servers. Reason: EMPTY_FILELIST Could this be because of something on my end?
new uup-converter update by @abbodi1406 — new local server version p.s. Google won't remove flags from my files, so I stop using it
Hi @Paul Mercer, It only work with the one you posted in main OP but not with the latest Visual C++ Redistributable Runtime, tested with the Repack of Visual C++ Redistributable Runtime by @abbodi1406 , why so? Kind Regards
I think there are issues with the server, as mine works fine (I use the same runtime pack) but needs multiple attempts to download the database.
check info in the main post and add it manually Code: How to get old build (for example Windows 11 22000.65 x64): 1. Download and extract "uupdump-x64.7z" for 64-bit Windows OS; "uupdump-x86.7z" for 32-bit Windows OS. 2. Edit ".\uup-dump\website\config.ini" config file and enable "fetch_sync_current_only=true" option. 3. Run "uupdump-run-apache.cmd" and open local UUP dump website in your web browser. 4. Click on the "+ New build" button on the top left corner and fetch your "new" build: "x64 / amd64 | Retail | 22000.65 | Pro" --> Next.
@luzea , uupdump.net website now speak ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Although I use local Server too, I want not to see website works not well.