donmiller is f**king with me here in "Conversation", sending useless shady UUP dump clones and calling the local server a reinvented wheel smart guy can't ask the original UUP dump creator why he released the Electron app a year ago and shut down the UUP dump website
Your effort seems like an attempt to reinvent a wheel to me. It is much more awkward to use than the real UUPDUMP website that was created many years ago, long before the Electron app, and perhaps, long before you even showed up here. I wish you the best of luck, but your scripts are not of interest to me. P.S. The one clone I shared with you, worked perfectly for me. Good luck with all this.
the difference between you and me is I never asked anyone for any shady UUP dump website clone p.s. in fact I'm hosting my custom website myself on my VPS rofl
I didn't ask anyone for a link to what you think is a shady UUP website. Even if I had asked someone for such a link, it wouldn't matter. It is irrelevant. I still wish you the best of luck at hosting your own website.
Yes, for the api folder I made it work without symlink inside json-api folder. I even did a test merge of main.php and moved ratelimit to api/shared and deleted the shared from json-api folder. This worked for json-api, but I don't know how it would influence other server features. So I kept it as it was.
Thanks for relaying the post by Enthousiast. I think it would be better to restrict comments about UUPDump to this thread, rather than have them strewn about in other threads. But that's just my opinion.
The problem with those copies is we have no control over what the website does (in the background) and the scripts it provides (we can't verify all every day). @whatever127 stopped developing the original UUP dump website after all kinds of abuse by the many forks using the packages from the original, so he provided us with a local server app before he disappeared again, @Paul Mercer is trying to get it up to the levels of the website (with help from @abbodi1406).
the most funny thing is that "local server" is not that scary at all just look at this: run uupdump-run-apache.cmd - you should see UUP dump website in your web browser without any builds to download run uupdump-get-fileinfo+packs.cmd - this script will download latest builds from Windows Update in ~10 minutes on the first run that's it, most users just need the latest builds, and it's just two scripts and nothing else how more simple it should be? I'm starting to think that people are scary of the "server" thing and it's better to call it "UUP dump app"
it's a plain cmd script, edit it with notepad++ if you need it I don't think I can add translation support Website is fully translated so it shouldn't be a problem
Thanks, I was referring to get packages to build an iso in a different languaje, after run uupdump-get-fileinfo+packs.cmd i got the "languaje" button in the webpage and now i realise that was the dumbest question i have done.
Updated UUP dump local server to version 1.5.0 Changelog: - New website feature: Create download package for updates only - JSON API now works without symlinks on the same port as the website - All scripts are reimagenged for simplicity Huge thanks to @abbodi1406, his help is unreal I think this is the last update from me until something breaks thanks to MSFT I removed and merged some scripts for simplicity, now there are only two scripts in the root folder Builds archive is updated as well