yes, combined amd64+x86 option also it should be available for fetchArchitecture in the script so users could edit default value
Updated UUP dump app to revised version 1.6.3-r2 Changelog: - Added new default Architecture option "x64 and x86", thanks to @abbodi1406 - Added Apache Module mod_mime (fixes website appearance on Chromium browsers), thanks to @zwl29107
It's MS side pushing 22631 for RP channel you can get 22621.2500 only if you set fetch_sync_current_only config and check for 22621.2500 specifically you need to keep it set during packs generation and downloading the files
Code: Replace 44715 with 443 in uupdump-x64\uupdump-aio.cmd uupdump-x64\apache\conf\httpd.conf HTTP Port 443 This port is used for HTTPS (HTTP Secure) traffic, which is a version of HTTP that uses encryption to provide a secure connection between the client and the server, making it unreadable to anyone who intercepts it. It’s the primary port that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) recognizes for the HTTPS protocol. HTTPS requires the use of an SSL / TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) certificate, which is issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). The SSL/TLS certificate is used to establish a secure connection between the client and the server and to verify that the server is who it claims to be.
nah, 80 and 443 ports might already be in use also for 443 port you should generate cert manually, I already posted simple tutorial how to do it in this thread many months ago
What is port 80 and 443 used for? Port 80 is used for http (unsecured web traffic). Port 443 is used for https (secured web traffic).
you can do whatever you want on your machine, but I should set random port for a lot of users because some of them might already have another web server on their machine with 80 or 443 ports also there's no any sense to use 443 port with self signed cert on localhost, it adds nothing but a headache also there's no point to do the same on your LAN because you should think about your devices and stuff and not about simple local server, which was configured especially for localhost only
With replace 44715 with 443 in uupdump-x64\uupdump-aio.cmd uupdump-x64\apache\conf\httpd.conf my download speed is much faster as well as.secured web traffic.
download speed of what? that port only controls connection between the server and website / download package (zip file), nothing else, and your traffic is not secured, it's localhost I mean aria2 wouldn't be affected with this at all, all MSFT links are http (80 port) anyway and you can't change that