The redownload error-loop is still there Code: if %ERRORLEVEL% GTR 0 goto :DOWNLOAD_APPS if %ERRORLEVEL% GTR 0 goto :DOWNLOAD_UUPS & exit /b 1 maybe the "exit /b 1" part should be removed though
The "bbs.pcbeta" page shows that their internal structure is retrieved with the parameter "UUP-DUInternal(*1)". How can I use this parameter? "DUInternal is a UUP parameter provided by abbodi1406&luzea of the My Digital life forum," he notes.
You cannot download internal builds or updates, not unless you work for MS. You can configure UUP to obtain info about the internal builds and updates that's currently available, but you cannot download them.
How do I configure the UUP to receive information about internal builds and updates that are currently available?
How many times are you going to ask this? + on abbodi's profile page.
Should i have google to translate this? English please. I translated it, just ask it in the first thread you started.
"The answer to what is given requires another question" Also, how to configure UUP? Because, I need to know Created by @Paul Mercer, It will allow you to search for info about internal builds/updates. But again it will not download them.
download and extract uupdump-x64-v1.7.2-r3.7z (or x86 if needed) run uupdump-aio.cmd when it's done run uupdump-aio.cmd again and press 1 1 if you want to add another builds to check then inspect and edit uupdump-aio.cmd if you want to manually check it on the website then edit "\uupdump-x64\uup-dump\config.ini" to allow_corpnet=true after that go to the add new build page and check your builds with appropriate flags examples: 22631.2424+thisonly 22631.2424+corpnet 22631.2424+thisonly,corpnet
What do the LTSC related settings in convert-UUP.cmd & create_virtual_editions.cmd mean? Where should I put the MUM files so the UUP converter creates SKUs? I can take MUMs from MSDN ISOs with SxS extractor? Am speaking about 1904x mostly.
So there is no way to get CABs from MSDN LTSC ISO with SxSExtract, put it in UUP, so it creates a valid multi-SKU ISO?
@Paul Mercer, I have suggestions for the "public/get.php" and "scripts\uupdump-run.cmd" files. This will only be useful for UUPdumpApp. From: Code: header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$archiveName."_convert$\""); to: Code: header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$archiveName."_convert_UUPdumpApp$\""); This way, there will be no confusion about the packages generated by UUPdumApp and those generated by Also, I made a modification to obtain the user's UUPdumApp folder path. With this, I was able to implement code that runs the local server directly from "uup_download_windows.cmd" If the user, in the future, changes the folder path for any reason (e.g. UUPdumpApp updated version), simply download the build package again and the path will be updated within the "uup_download_windows.cmd" file. It is also possible to make the older file run with the server already active and not upload a new server based on the old version, but the process is manual again. Currently the code generates a new script, based on the existing "uupdump-run.cmd" script. This wouldn't even be necessary if there was a way to pass 2 arguments in the "uupdump-run.cmd" script. The new generated script "uupdumpserver-run.cmd" has a secondary argument to deal with autorun. So second parameter can be pass with 1 default value for start browser 0 to not start the browser. And, in the end, considering that the "choice" command ends up keeping the window open even if taskkill closes the local server. In order for taskkill to close the server window correctly, "exit" was added before the "choice" command. So "uupdump-run.cmd" remains unchanged. It would be interesting to have a script to just call the server or make some chages in the "uupdump-run.cmd" for accept arguments and closing cmd window when taskkill stops the server. Proposals for change below.