Afaik you'll need to move/create the UUPs folder in current release :thinkink:. Just added the folder creation if not already present .
Seems people aren't aware how complex UUP>>ISO conversion actually is to do it properly . @abbodi1406 already created an uber-human script, so i won't even bother with this atm.
I not combined with uup-converter-wimlib-12. I include very small uups to iso script. Is not complete. Wait. Spoiler: UUPS to ISO script before integration to UUPDL Code: pushd "%~dp0" SET ESD=Professional_cs-cz.esd if exist "UUPs\*.cab" ( for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b "UUPs\*.cab"') do ( md temp\%%~ni expand.exe -f:* "UUPs\" temp\%%~ni\ wimlib capture "temp\%%~ni" "temp\%%~ni.ESD" --compress=fast --check --no-acls --norpfix "%%~ni" "%%~ni" rd /s /q temp\%%~ni ) ) wimlib apply %ESD% 1 ISO\ del ISO\MediaMeta.xml copy /y reagent.xml ISO\sources wimlib export %ESD% 2 ISO\sources\boot.wim --compress=maximum -boot wimlib export %ESD% 3 ISO\sources\install.wim --ref="UUPs\*.esd" --ref="temp\*.esd" --compress=maximum wimlib update ISO\sources\install.wim 1 --command="add 'ISO\sources\boot.wim' '\windows\system32\recovery\winre.wim'" wimlib info ISO\sources\boot.wim 1 --image-property FLAGS=9 oscdimg -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"ISO\boot\"#pEF,e,b"ISO\efi\Microsoft\boot\efisys.bin" -o -m -u2 -udfver102 -g -lWIN10 ISO WIN10.iso pause
I don't understand what you said. You can move it because your tool asks for it or you can close the tool and open the decrypter and paste the location of the UUP files
@s1ave77 - Replace current or Skip ? Is forthcoming in next version? Or is it in 0.05.18 which I've just updated too - obviously no new version to see this new feature yet. Edit: Try reading the nfo Nucleus! v0.05.18 --added option to replace tool with an update, will auto-restart the script or skip Edit: IMO this replace current is great new feature. That's what I was getting at, sort of "like" when you update a bit of software and it prompts to start new version. Nice. Thanks @s1ave77
@s1ave77 - That one is real neat. Prompts if I want to download update pack or skip, then prompts if I want to replace current, then closes current and starts update/copies across to where I have it running from and starts new version for me. Code: [HEADER] PROJECT FILES UPDATE CHECK [ INFO ] Checking version: [ INFO ] Current Version: v0.05.18 [ INFO ] Check Version : v0.05.18 [ WARN ] NO UDATES FOUND. [ USER ] Still [D]ownload or [S]kip ?: D [ USER ] Enter Path to Download Folder. [ USER ] Enter Path to Download Folder : d:\downloads [ INFO ] Downloading... [ INFO ] Unpacking... [ USER ] [R]eplace current or [S]kip ?: R [ INFO ] UPDATER WILL START NOW. TOOL WILL CLOSE. [ USER ] PRESS ANY KEY >> ##################### [ INFO ] UUPDL UPDATE ##################### [ INFO ] PLEASE WAIT. ##################### [ OK ] PROJECT INTEGRITY VERIFIED. [D] DATABASE UPDATE CHECK [L] LATEST RELEASE QUERY [O] OLDER RELEASES QUERY [S] SPECIFIC BUILD QUERY [P] PROJECT UPDATE CHECK [E] EXIT [ USER ] YOUR CHOICE ?:
Putting "convert-UUP.cmd" & "bin" from "uup-converter-wimlib-12" in to "uupdl" folder. Doesn't make convert-UUP.cmd auto detect UUP files files for me.
Thought about several similiar concepts but rejected them to avoid manual input which is more complicated (if tool is used often) and needs checking to avoid frustration (people can have probs here).
Spoiler Code: ::=============================================================================================================== :: CHANGE TO 1 TO ENABLE AUTO UPDATE FEATURE AT SCRIPT START set "auto=0" :: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Perfect! Not sure I'll use auto update but well done @s1ave77 Code: ::=============================================================================================================== :: CHANGE TO 1 TO ENABLE AUTO UPDATE FEATURE AT SCRIPT START set "auto=1" :: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Code: [HEADER] PROJECT FILES UPDATE CHECK [ INFO ] Checking version: [ INFO ] Current Version: v0.05.25 [ INFO ] Check Version : v0.05.25 [ WARN ] NO UDATES FOUND. [ USER ] Still [D]ownload or [S]kip ?: D [ USER ] Enter Path to Download Folder. [ USER ] Enter Path to Download Folder : d:\downloads [ INFO ] Downloading... [ INFO ] Unpacking... [ USER ] [R]eplace current or [S]kip ?: R [ INFO ] UPDATER WILL START NOW. TOOL WILL CLOSE. [ USER ] PRESS ANY KEY >> ##################### [ INFO ] UUPDL UPDATE ##################### [ INFO ] PLEASE WAIT. ##################### [ OK ] PROJECT INTEGRITY VERIFIED. [D] DATABASE UPDATE CHECK [L] LATEST RELEASE QUERY [O] OLDER RELEASES QUERY [S] SPECIFIC BUILD QUERY [P] PROJECT UPDATE CHECK [E] EXIT [ USER ] YOUR CHOICE ?:
Yes, as was discussed a few pages back. Auto update being an option surely satisfies everyone. I'm sure @dzaggiel will be happy to see this new option. Good stuff.
S-M-R-T M50 UUPDL v0.05.25 released . +++ FEATURE UPDATE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.05.25 --added auto-update option (at beginning of script set auto=0 to set auto=1) +++silently+++released+++update+++test+++phase+++ v0.05.18 --added option to replace tool with an update, will auto-restart the script or skip
@s1ave77 Technical note: Check exist main esd in _temp\uup.txt before downloading uups: Code: ... if "%sku%"=="AiO" (goto:ContinueDown1) FIND "out=%sku%_%lang%.esd" "_temp\uup.txt" 1>nul && (echo [ INFO ] %sku%_%lang%.esd exist&&goto:ContinueDown1) echo %sku%_%lang%.esd not exist&&pause goto:M50DLMainMenu :ContinueDown1 ...
Yep, should delete the old files then copy over new ones and delete the download folder content. Just edited the script to specifically delete project files only not all.