@slave77 I'm using v0.06.32 and your script is saying there a new version v0.05.28 available. When it really a older version. Also on main menu it has "[ WARN ] ###### MISMATCH FOUND #####" on it. What does that mean? Update: Ignore that. I remember I did a system restore earlier. Nothing wrong with it. My fault
Yes v0.06.32 - see address bar in screenshot. I'm guessing this may be a path problem, possibly the same reason I just cannot get update and replace to work for last few versions! See spoiler in post #797. As you will see I executed the same delete and copy commands in the replace routine and all was fine, it just will not work in the script for me, frustrating as no one else seems to be able to reproduce the problem.
Just did a test. Downloaded Arm pack to test the conversion and got this: Code: ============================================================ Checking UUP Info... ============================================================ ============================================================ Preparing Reference ESDs . . . ============================================================ CAB->ESD: Microsoft-OneCore-ApplicationModel-Sync-Desktop-FOD-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Optional-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-de-de-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-de-de-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-de-de-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-de-de-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-de-de-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-MediaPlayer-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-QuickAssist-Package ============================================================ Creating Setup Media Layout . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating boot.wim . . . ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 743 MiB of 743 MiB (100%) done "ISOFOLDER\sources\boot.wim" original size: 291115 KiB Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 818 MiB of 818 MiB (100%) done "ISOFOLDER\sources\boot.wim" optimized size: 287221 KiB Space saved: 3894 KiB ============================================================ Creating install.wim . . . ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 7242 MiB of 7242 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Adding winre.wim to install.wim . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Done. You chose not to create iso file. ============================================================ Press any key to exit.
Now I have the same problem as Nucleus. I just tried it and it auto detects uup-converter-wimlib-12 and starts it and then that script says Enter / Paste the path to UUP files directory.
Tried it everywhere, renamed folder, tried everything. Can only say again that since Github elongated names were introduced the update/replace function has never worked for me. Prior to that it worked on every version for me and I posted feedback. But as I've said that's no prob as I can just grab new versions manually. But I'd like to see the uup fileset path auto fed to abbodi's converter working.
Did you see spoiler at post #797 I manually worked through the update commands deleting and copying and it all worked fine, just not in script. It's no big prob, just watch for announcements of updates or check the OP occasionally.
@s1ave77 or coders. Plz remember I'm not a coder/scripter. Main script uup.downloader.cmd - replace routine. Line 843: uup.downloader.cmd Code: echo xcopy "%downpath%\uupdl.%projectvernew%\%foldername%\*.*" /s /q "%cd%\" /y ^>nul 2^>^&^1 But when uupdlupd.cmd is created. In the xcopy at Line 17 a double backslash is introduced. Line 17: uupdlupd.cmd Code: xcopy "c:\uupdl\uupdl.v0.06.32\\*.*" /s /q "C:\UUPDL\" /y >nul 2>&1 Is that correct or is that what is breaking the replace routine for me? Edit: No it isn't, I just bailed out of the script after choosing Replace and uupdlupd.cmd had been created, edited the double backslash to one, ran that script and delete/copy routine still fails! Code: 'C:\UUPDL\uup.downloader.cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. c:\UUPDL> Edit: Line 17: uupdlupd.cmd Code: xcopy "c:\uupdl\uupdl.v0.06.32\\*.*" /s /q "C:\UUPDL\" /y Copy all folders/files in c:\uupdl\uupdl.v0.06.32\ to c:\uupdl\ ??? But the downloaded and unpacked update isn't in c:\uupdl\uupdl.v0.06.32\ the folders and files are in "C:\UUPDL\uupdl.v0.06.32\uupdl-master-f13b927e31cfea9c80e2749ac82ba8140d393ee3"
Please open CMD in the download folder you enter into script and show output for: Code: dir "%downpath%" /a /s | findstr /i "uupdl-master" | findstr /v /i "file*" ^| findstr /i "dir"
YES!!! Downloaded and unpacked files need to be in c:\uupdl\uupdl.v0.06.32\ NOT "C:\UUPDL\uupdl.v0.06.32\uupdl-master-f13b927e31cfea9c80e2749ac82ba8140d393ee3" Just bailed out of the script after choosing replace and uupdlupd.cmd has been created. Moved files from "C:\UUPDL\uupdl.v0.06.32\uupdl-master-f13b927e31cfea9c80e2749ac82ba8140d393ee3" to c:\uupdl\uupdl.v0.06.32\ and obvioiusly it woks and starts the script again! So why am I the only one who gets a downloaded and unpacked path of... Code: uupdl.v0.06.32\uupdl-master-f13b927e31cfea9c80e2749ac82ba8140d393ee3 AND NOT: uupdl.v0.06.32\ Proven. It doesn't matter where I run it from, root of c:\ or nested somewhere on d:\ I always get that same unpacked path to new files. Code: uupdl.v0.06.32\uupdl-master-f13b927e31cfea9c80e2749ac82ba8140d393ee3\ What puzzles me is why no one else does!