S-M-R-T M50 UUPDL v0.08.27 released . +++ BUG FIX RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.08.27 --fixed AiO Download (thanks to adguard) https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/uup-dump.75052/page-5#post-1368477
Why when the tool can offer both ... ???? Spares the server queries for known builds, hence always faster!!!
@Krakatoa don't get me wrong . Your tool seems to aim being a feature stripped pure downloader, your fork, so be it . My tool tries to offer some more features, some interesting for those like @Enthousiast maintaining IP Info/Discussion threads. Ask him if i should strip some features. Besides that i prefer the tool to only send server queries if absolutely needed (and now thanks to adguards last tip only the needed amount) not for any fart. Rest can be done locally and is more fool-proof due to that simple little fact.. Me are sad for stealing focus for a pretty cool post by @Atari800XL , so check page back!!!
Just fixed that . Actually a lot of code is borought from the TB Dump Standalone script, so i got used to @mkuba50 style . It's the 3rd collaboration already. One is the nice WU KB query from WU TOOL .
@Atari800XL "In fact, I think Autohotkey would be great for a lot of MDL projects" ... or Autoit. I'm using Autoit, but I will also learn the autohotkey if the MDL projects will be in the autohotkey. Both are simple and good.
You can install two different instances of UUPDL, and run both simultaneously downloading core on one, and professional on the other.
yes, indeed have already tested that idea, and yes it dos WORK mega thanks to all the CODERS. long list of names but you'all know who you are.