S-M-R-T M50 UUPDL v0.08.30 released . +++ FEATURE UPDATE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.08.30 --Project PHP updated to 2.3.0 --changed Database List Presentation https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/uup-dump.75052/page-5#post-1368477
Would assume it's a AutoHotkey wrap around his script fork . The project isn't that feature stripped .
I'm doing it. It's just gui. This is not the API for uupdl cmd. It has no functionality yet. I will try to program functionality. I want everything in the autoit. Without cmd, without php, without aria2c. I do not know if I can program it.
Sorry Antonio, I also downloaded build 16296 but when I converted it to ISO the script upp.downloder did a flash and disappeared. Can you help me complete the job ????? Thank you. bye
That's what i said before, that behaviour of the UUP>ISO tool normally is caused by a spacing in the path when one manually pastes the path to the UUP folder (but that should be solved in v13 by @abbodi1406). Don't know why it now works, but glad it's solved Edit: Manually pasting the path containing a spacing to the UUP>ISO v13 script still causes the script to crash/disappear: Code: ============================================================ Enter / Paste the path to UUP files directory ============================================================ d:\Test\Test UUPs\