Code: Download Results: gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI ======+====+===========+======================================================= e5c32b|OK | 390KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-WOW64-Package.ESD 3278da|OK | 347KiB/s|uup/ e261ae|OK | 393KiB/s|uup/ 95c2c3|OK | 221KiB/s|uup/ 44925c|OK | 391KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Core-WOW64-Package.ESD 6aa783|OK | 412KiB/s|uup/ fc2db6|OK | 233KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Core-Package.ESD 3afc7d|OK | 141KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package.ESD 89c57a|OK | 374KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-Package.ESD 8af7ed|OK | 532KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Analog-Package.ESD 7a7cdd|OK | 857KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-Package.ESD 210511|OK | 80KiB/s|uup/ 06d9ad|OK | 0.9MiB/s|uup/Microsoft.ModernApps.Client.core.esd ad8cff|OK | 311KiB/s|uup/ 6a8b30|OK | 576KiB/s|uup/ d3ea45|OK | 85KiB/s|uup/ 5b6953|OK | 395KiB/s|uup/ c7dbd3|OK | 44KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-WOW64-Package.ESD 3e375f|OK | 61KiB/s|uup/ 8d7eb2|OK | 226KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Core-WOW64-Package.ESD 57a213|OK | 168KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-WOW64-Package.ESD 3fd001|OK | 284KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Core-Package.ESD 02c783|OK | 324KiB/s|uup/Core_en-us.esd 179d85|OK | 148KiB/s|uup/Microsoft.ModernApps.Client.All.esd 1bae82|OK | 559KiB/s|uup/Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package.ESD Status Legend: (OK):download completed. Code: ============================================================ 1 - Create ISO with Standard install.wim 2 - Create Standard install.wim 3 - UUP Edition info ============================================================ > Enter your option and press "Enter": Code: ============================================================ Checking UUP Info... ============================================================ ============================================================ Preparing Reference ESDs . . . ============================================================ CAB->ESD: amd64fre_Client_en-us_lp CAB->ESD: Microsoft-OneCore-ApplicationModel-Sync-Desktop-FOD-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Optional-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-en-us-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-us-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-us-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-en-us-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-MediaPlayer-Package CAB->ESD: Microsoft-Windows-QuickAssist-Package ============================================================ Creating Setup Media Layout . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating boot.wim . . . ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 896 MiB of 896 MiB (100%) done "ISOFOLDER\sources\boot.wim" original size: 373349 KiB Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 976 MiB of 976 MiB (100%) done "ISOFOLDER\sources\boot.wim" optimized size: 368526 KiB Space saved: 4823 KiB ============================================================ Creating install.wim . . . ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 7277 MiB of 7277 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Adding winre.wim to install.wim . . . ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating ISO . . . ============================================================ CDIMAGE 2.53m CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2007. All rights reserved. For Microsoft internal use only. Scanning source tree (500 files in 38 directories) Scanning source tree complete (970 files in 91 directories) Computing directory information complete Image file is 4147380224 bytes (before optimization) Writing 970 files in 91 directories to 16353.1000.170825-1423.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTCORE_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO 100% complete Storage optimization saved 15 files, 196608 bytes (0% of image) After optimization, image file is 4149368832 bytes Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 196608 Done.
S-M-R-T M50 UUPDL v0.00.20 released .
There is a problem with Build 15063. Many files have the same name as express updates that are removed by script. Due to this Build 15063 UUPs are missing files. I will try to fix it tomorrow.
S-M-R-T M50 UUPDL v0.00.23 released .
Supported languages: Code: $packsForLangs = array( 'ar-sa' => array(0, 2, 4, 5), 'bg-bg' => array(0, 1, 4), 'cs-cz' => array(0, 1), 'da-dk' => array(0, 1, 4), 'de-de' => array(0, 1), 'el-gr' => array(0, 1, 4), 'en-gb' => array(0, 1, 2), 'en-us' => array(0, 1, 2), 'es-es' => array(0, 1, 2), 'es-mx' => array(0, 2), 'et-ee' => array(0, 1), 'fi-fi' => array(0, 1), 'fr-ca' => array(0, 4, 6), 'fr-fr' => array(0, 1, 2), 'he-il' => array(0, 4), 'hr-hr' => array(0, 1), 'hu-hu' => array(0, 1), 'it-it' => array(0, 1), 'ja-jp' => array(0), 'ko-kr' => array(0, 1), 'lt-lt' => array(0, 1), 'lv-lv' => array(0, 1), 'nb-no' => array(0, 1), 'nl-nl' => array(0, 1), 'pl-pl' => array(0, 1), 'pt-br' => array(0, 2), 'pt-pt' => array(0, 1, 2), 'ro-ro' => array(0, 1), 'ru-ru' => array(0, 2, 4), 'sk-sk' => array(0, 1), 'sl-si' => array(0, 1), 'sv-se' => array(0, 1), 'th-th' => array(0, 2, 4), 'tr-tr' => array(0, 2), 'uk-ua' => array(0, 2, 4), 'zh-cn' => array(0, 2, 3), 'zh-tw' => array(0, 7), );
If you choose to download (in both options) it will ask whether to download AiO or specifik SKU. Code: QUERY UUP LINKS SEARCH FOR : IP RING : wif IP FLIGHT : skip IP ARCH : amd64 FOUND NAME : Windows 10 Insider Preview 16353.1000 (rs_prerelease) FOUND BUILD : 16353.1000 FOUND FLIGHT: rs_prerelease FOUND ID : c2a1d787-647b-486d-b264-f90f3782cdc6 Download Build [Y/N] ?: Y Enter Language choice [i.e.: en-us, de-de,...] Default: en-us Enter Language choice: Download [A]iO or specific [E]dition ?: E EDITION CHOICE (A) Core (B) CoreN (C) CoreSingleLanguage (D) CoreCountrySpecific (E) Cloud (F) CloudN (G) Professional (H) ProfessionalN (I) Enterprise (J) EnterpriseN (K) Education (L) EducationN YOUR CHOICE ?:
Forgot to mention that 15063 is part of Older Releases query. Latest query will always check for most current releases depending on Ring/Flight. EDIT: ...waiting for a new build to be released for tests .
I stopped in my 4 PCs in the Insider Program the WU service for plug the PC to the ethernet and just download from your tool the new build.
Yep. Would spare all the hassles waiting for WU to start or WZOR and others like @Enthousiast to upload files.