Is there any way to upgrade from downloaded UUP files directly? The conversion process doesn't treat HDD nicely.
All working dutch editions, install fine from single architecture iso: Code: [01] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Home x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | Core [02] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Home N x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | CoreN [03] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Professional x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | Professional [04] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Professional N x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | ProfessionalN [05] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Education x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | Education [06] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Education N x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | EducationN [07] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Pro-Education x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | ProfessionalEducation [08] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Pro-Education N x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | ProfessionalEducationN [09] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Pro-Workstation x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | ProfessionalWorkstation [10] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Pro-Workstation N x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | ProfessionalWorkstationN [11] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Core-SL x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | CoreSingleLanguage [12] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Pro-SL x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | ProfessionalSingleLanguage [13] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Enterprise x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | Enterprise [14] 2/11/2018 nl-NL x86 10.0.17093.1000 Win 10 Enterprise N x86 nl-NL (IP 17093 - MRP83) | EnterpriseN Same for the x64 editions i made.
RELEASE: UUPDL v0.12.43 +++ FEATURE UPDATE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.12.43 --adapted to new 16299.248 CU/SSU
A suggestion: Replace on line 459 Code: for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=|" %%a in ('call %fetchupd% %arch% rp active 15063 674') do ( with Code: for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=|" %%a in ('call %fetchupd% %arch% rp active 16299 15') do ( By doing so you will get newer cumulative updates than 16299.125 without the need of adding them manually.
Another sugesstion: Lines 467 to 479: Code: for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('call %get% %uupid% ^0 ^0') do ( set /a count+=1 if "!count!"=="1" set "url=%%a" if "!count!"=="2" set "uname=%%a" if "!count!"=="3" ( set "usha1=%%a" echo "!uname!" | findstr /i "Windows10.0*" | findstr /v /i "Express*" 1>nul && ( echo !url!>>"_temp\cudown.txt" echo !uname!>>"_temp\cudown.txt" echo !usha1!>>"_temp\cudown.txt" ) set "count=0" )) replace with Code: call %get% %uupid% ^0 updateOnly >"_temp\cudown.txt" if %errorlevel% GTR 0 ( echo: powershell "Write-Host '[ WARN ] UUP dump API has returned an error.' -foreground DarkMagenta" echo: call :MenuFooter call :MenuFooter echo: echo [ USER ] PRESS ANY KEY ^>^> pause >nul 2>&1 goto:UUPQueryLatest ) This will made the script a lot faster.
RELEASE: UUPDL v0.12.57 +++ FEATURE UPDATE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.12.57 --mkuba50 changed the CU/SSU part (new updateOnly switch) and made it faster v0.12.50 --changed CU/SSU query to (again) always get latest version (thanks to mkuba50)
nothing i was checking for new releases (c) and then check all channels (a) and i found this one so i give feedback !
It seems to be only on FAST SKIP channel ARM64: Code: [HEADER] CHECKING WINDOWS INSIDER ALL CHANNELS [2018-02-16 18:50:19 UTC] UUP dump/listid v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:19 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:19 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:19 UTC] Done parsing database info. [HEADER] CHECKING WINDOWS INSIDER FAST SKIP CHANNEL [ 01 ] Architecture: amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:19 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:19 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:19 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17604.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 7620d9f3-9db8-4c58-99b9-22a457ead805 [ 02 ] Architecture: x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:20 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:21 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:21 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:21 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:21 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17604.1000 (rs_prerelease) x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:21 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:21 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:21 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 198d4105-0da4-4012-9104-65d6f17051d7 [ 03 ] Architecture: arm64 [2018-02-16 18:50:22 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:22 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:22 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:28 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:28 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:28 UTC] An error has occurred [2018-02-16 18:50:28 UTC] ERROR: Server did not return any updates. [HEADER] CHECKING WINDOWS INSIDER FAST ACTIVE CHANNEL [ 04 ] Architecture: amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:28 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:28 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:28 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17101.1000 (rs4_release) amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 8facc9f0-7f29-4674-ad93-ab4186c49ea6 [ 05 ] Architecture: x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17101.1000 (rs4_release) x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:29 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 9cb35bc1-f160-453a-a1f8-f07f107a0030 [ 06 ] Architecture: arm64 [2018-02-16 18:50:30 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:30 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:30 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:38 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:38 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:38 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:38 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17093.1000 (rs_prerelease) arm64 [2018-02-16 18:50:38 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:38 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:38 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 0f113264-c83a-4f86-aeba-445b0c909338 [HEADER] CHECKING WINDOWS INSIDER SLOW ACTIVE CHANNEL [ 07 ] Architecture: amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17074.1002 (rs_prerelease_flt) amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:39 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] b7836443-a613-462f-9870-2ad53b19dca0 [ 08 ] Architecture: x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:40 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:40 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:40 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:41 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:41 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:41 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:41 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17074.1002 (rs_prerelease_flt) x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:41 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:41 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:41 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 2f5d4659-1408-4c58-bb46-5565717a8a92 [ 09 ] Architecture: arm64 [2018-02-16 18:50:42 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:42 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:42 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] BUILD: Windows 10 Insider Preview 17074.1002 (rs_prerelease_flt) arm64 [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] cbf91ffa-01a9-419d-adfd-6e140ccc54eb [HEADER] CHECKING WINDOWS RELEASE PREVIEW CHANNEL [ 10 ] Architecture: amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:49 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] BUILD: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709 (16299.125) amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] fe2ba97f-43c5-48be-97e6-acb9de47c182 [ 11 ] Architecture: x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:50 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] BUILD: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709 (16299.125) x86 [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 2dba42e9-a4ce-4736-a22e-dc2daa247dd0 [ 12 ] Architecture: arm64 [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:51 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] BUILD: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709 (16299.125) arm64 [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 87d62dde-f2a8-4833-86d6-cfa7325a674b [HEADER] CHECKING WINDOWS RETAIL RELEASE CHANNEL [ 13 ] Architecture: amd64 [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:50:59 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] BUILD: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709 (16299.125) amd64 [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] fe2ba97f-43c5-48be-97e6-acb9de47c182 [ 14 ] Architecture: x86 [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:51:00 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] BUILD: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709 (16299.125) x86 [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 2dba42e9-a4ce-4736-a22e-dc2daa247dd0 [ 15 ] Architecture: arm64 [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] UUP dump/fetchupd v2.5.0 [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] UUP dump API v1.10.0 [2018-02-16 18:51:01 UTC] Fetching information from the server... [2018-02-16 18:51:07 UTC] Information was successfully fetched. [2018-02-16 18:51:07 UTC] Checking build information... [2018-02-16 18:51:07 UTC] Successfully checked build information. [2018-02-16 18:51:07 UTC] BUILD: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709 (16299.125) arm64 [2018-02-16 18:51:07 UTC] This build already exists in the database. [2018-02-16 18:51:07 UTC] Parsing database info... [2018-02-16 18:51:07 UTC] Done parsing database info. [ ID ] 87d62dde-f2a8-4833-86d6-cfa7325a674b [ USER ] [N]ew Search or ack ?: