Hi @ all Is it still possible to activate a Win7 via SLIC with VB7? I downloaded various files (vbxbios, BiosAlternative) from this thread and added with setextradata, but without success till now. Edit: >>>THIS<<< worked for me.
Yes, it still works. Just shut down the Win7 guest, and Virtualbox Manager if it is running, and add a line similar to this to the vbox file Code: <ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/CustomTable" value="path/to/your/SLICTABLE.bin"/> You can find collections of slic bin files elsewhere on MDL.
7.0.16 tanked me with my first GSOD ever. I had blue screens but never seen a green one on any of my machines. The culprit is the network driver (VBoxNetLwf.sys) I'm going back to 7.0.14
Not working for me. The installer does nothing and turns in a zombie process impossible to terminate w/o rebooting VirtualBox-7.0.15-162549-Win.exe seem working as expected (I was on 7.0.14) Edit: Nevermind seem it was a corrupt download, redownloaded it and it did install. So far no green screens
Somewhat off-topic, but does VB 7.xx work on Windows 7 hosts? I see Win7 is not officially supported any more, but is there any chance to install it?