[DISCUSSION] VirtualBox - Update, SLP & SLIC

Discussion in 'Virtualization' started by cigolo_, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
  2. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    x86 or x64 or independent? Which SLIC?

    Can you share the secret of creating the patch (ie change the SLIC etc)?

  3. FreeStyler

    FreeStyler MDL Guru

    Jun 23, 2007
    #64 FreeStyler, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  4. user_hidden

    user_hidden MDL Expert

    Dec 18, 2007
    #65 user_hidden, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    BSPATCH vboxdd.dll vboxdd_patched.dll VBoxDD_DLL_314_orig_to_patched.bsdiff
  5. FreeStyler

    FreeStyler MDL Guru

    Jun 23, 2007
    Hehe... oops should have paid more attention... anyway it doesn't seem to work on 64 bit dll
  6. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Correct, x64 will have different structure, and the patch is x86 only

  7. Obelix

    Obelix MDL Junior Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    I tried different decompiler such as Boomerang and PVDasm. But both are unable to open the dll. If you do a binary compare, the you'll see that there a so many changed bytes, so i think it was done by a tool and not manual. But i didn't know yet, which tool is used.

  8. iamanoob

    iamanoob MDL Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    i just read through all pages on this thread but since i am a noob, do not understand a word of it.

    is it possible to activate Win7 in VBox? my host has SLIC 2.1.

    thanks for reading such a noob question.

    N/M .. i found a way for VMWare and i'll just use that , thanks
  9. abcd1234

    abcd1234 MDL Novice

    Mar 2, 2010
    Unfortunately the patch wasn't made by a tool. I had to do it all by myself ;)

    Right now i'm busy in doing a clean install on my (preloaded) notebook, so i'll later tell you the details. I used Tiny Hexer, PE Explorer and Olly Debugger. You should be able to patch other SLICs and strings into the modded one (they are all the same length). 64 bit should be possible, too (little bit more work to do). You should have at least basic knowledge in assembler plus a little bit of reading here or there :)

    It involves: changing a couple of strings, adding a SLIC, adding code to load the SLIC, plus a few minor tweaks (new relocation entry, segment length ...).
  10. user_hidden

    user_hidden MDL Expert

    Dec 18, 2007
    awaiting your details
  11. Obelix

    Obelix MDL Junior Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    I don't know, how to use the PE Explorer properly. I have understand the following:

    I'am using VBoxDD.dll from Version 3.1.4 as example:

    1. You have to insert the SLIC at 194E80h
    2. You have to insert the code, which is loading the SLIC, into 92860h
    3. You need to jump in the new code at 17B82-5h change the Bytes to E8 D9 AC 07 (which means: jmp 92860h)
    4. You have to increment two counters at 17998h and 179A1h (dont know why)
    5. You have to edit the strings "VBOX" "DSDT" and "VBOX" "XDST" at a few places.

    Then there the point is coming, where i don' know what else to do.

    I figured out, that i have to use the PE Explorer to increase the "code" area, which ends normally at 92852h. Now it has to end at 928C3h. But i don't know how to fix the several checksums. All i can produce is a not working dll.

    Greets Obelix
  12. FreeStyler

    FreeStyler MDL Guru

    Jun 23, 2007
    I managed to do that as well ;)

    BTW, VirtualBox 3.1.6 is out!
  13. abcd1234

    abcd1234 MDL Novice

    Mar 2, 2010
    #74 abcd1234, Mar 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Here are the details about patching, better late than never :)

    I use version 3.1.0 for the description, because i saved some information when analyzing back then and don't have the time to do it again ;)

    These are the differences (i used tiny hexer to compare, jump between the differences with F7 and F8):

    1. Length of the relocation segment increased by 4 (only needed, when no unused entry for base of added code exists). Near this you find the length of the code segment, which wasn't increased by the size of the added code. This works, but prevents PE Explorer from diassembling the new code. Better change it, too (see version 3.1.4 differences where to change).
    2. String "VBOX" changed
    3. String "RSDT" changed
    4. String "VBOX" changed
    5. String "XSDT" changed
    6. Counter changed (add 1)
    7. Counter changed (add 1)
    8. Call to added code
    9. New Code added (REPLACE unsused space, align it: fill (replacing) last used original line with "CC"s), press F8 a few times
    10. "VBOX " changed
    11. SLIC added (REPLACE unsused space), press F8 a few times
    12. Length of relocations for base 00092000 increased by 4
    13. This is the next base for relocations: 00093000. Before this 4 bytes are INSERTED: one relocation pointing to the added code, where the address of the SLIC is referenced, and one unused entry 0000).
    14. Now there are a lot of differences, because of the inserted bytes. At the end of all these differences DELETE 4 unused bytes.

    That's all :)

    Here is a little bit of information about what is done and where:

    The relevant source code can be found in DevACPI.cpp of the Open Source Edition.
    This is the funtion, where everything is done:

     * Create the ACPI tables.
    static int acpiPlantTables(ACPIState *s)
        int        rc;
        RTGCPHYS32 rsdt_addr, xsdt_addr, fadt_acpi1_addr, fadt_acpi2_addr, facs_addr, dsdt_addr, last_addr, apic_addr = 0;
        uint32_t   addend = 0;
        RTGCPHYS32 rsdt_addrs[4];
        RTGCPHYS32 xsdt_addrs[4];
        uint32_t   cAddr;
        size_t     rsdt_tbl_len = sizeof(ACPITBLHEADER);
        size_t     xsdt_tbl_len = sizeof(ACPITBLHEADER);
        cAddr = 1;           /* FADT */
        if (s->u8UseIOApic)
            cAddr++;         /* MADT */
    Here you see the counter "cAddr", which is either 1 or 2. Because we add the SLIC, we change this to 2 and 3. Search for "558BEC83EC4C8A86" (was unique in version 3.1.4, too) to get to the right place:
     10017B6B  CCCCCCCCCC                Align8
     10017B70                           SUB_L10017B70:
     10017B70  55                        pushebp
     10017B71  8BEC                      movebp,esp
     10017B73  83EC4C                    subesp,0000004Ch
     10017B76  8A8689120000              moval,[esi+00001289h]
     10017B7C  84C0                      testal,al
     10017B7E  C745EC00000000            movdword ptr [ebp-14h],00000000h
     10017B85  C745F002000000            movdword ptr [ebp-10h],00000002h// Changed here
     10017B8C  7407                      jz L10017B95
     10017B8E  C745F003000000            movdword ptr [ebp-10h],00000003h// and here

    Where to add the call to the new code? Here, in the middle of "(last_addr > 0x10000)":
    Source code:
        if (last_addr > 0x10000)
            return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(s->pDevIns, VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA,
                                    N_("Error: ACPI tables > 64KB"));
     10017D68  8B55F8                    movedx,[ebp-08h]// if (last_addr > 0x10000)
     10017D6B  8D441A0F                  leaeax,[edx+ebx+0Fh]
     10017D6F  83E0F0                    andeax,FFFFFFF0h
     10017D72  E879AF0700                callSUB_L10092CF0// already patched Call of added code, was compare previously
     10017D77  7630                      jbeL10017DA9
     10017D79  8B8EAC120000              movecx,[esi+000012ACh]
     10017D7F  68E06E0910                pushSSZ10096EE0_Error__ACPI_tables___64KB
     10017D84  68A4370910                pushL100937A4
     10017D89  68806F0910                pushSSZ10096F80_acpiPlantTables
     10017D8E  6880070000                push00000780h
     10017D93  68D46D0910                pushSSZ10096DD4_E__tinderbox_win_rel_src_VBox_De
     10017D98  6AD6                      pushFFFFFFD6h
     10017D9A  51                        pushecx
     10017D9B  E8209CFEFF                callSUB_L100019C0
     10017DA0  83C41C                    addesp,0000001Ch
     10017DA3  5B                        popebx
     10017DA4  5F                        popedi
     10017DA5  8BE5                      movesp,ebp
     10017DA7  5D                        popebp
     10017DA8  C3                        retn

    Adding the new code: The code could be used without changing the one from version 3.1.0. BUT this may change with a new version, therefore i add the assembler listing with a few comments (Code from patched 3.1.0 VBoxDD.dll):
      10092CE2  CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC+     Align16
      10092CF0                           SUB_L10092CF0:
      10092CF0  60                        pushad
      10092CF1  BA76010000                movedx,00000176h// SLIC length
      10092CF6  52                        pushedx
      10092CF7  83C20F                    addedx,0000000Fh// Align 16
      10092CFA  83E2F0                    andedx,FFFFFFF0h// Align 16
      10092CFD  8B45FC                    moveax,[ebp-04h]// "last_addr" without SLIC
      10092D00  0155FC                    add[ebp-04h],edx// "last_addr" with SLIC included
      10092D03  8B9E80020000              movebx,[esi+00000280h]// Variable "u64RamSize"
      10092D09  81EB00000100              subebx,00010000h
      10092D0F  03D8                      addebx,eax// Loading adress for SLIC
      10092D11  8B86AC120000              moveax,[esi+000012ACh]// Import table?
      10092D17  8B4818                    movecx,[eax+18h]// one DLL in import table?
      10092D1A  68804E1910                pushL10194E80// Source SLIC adress (10194E80, already relocated), Relocatable -> add offset D1B within base 92000
      10092D1F  6A00                      push00000000h
      10092D21  53                        pushebx
      10092D22  50                        pusheax
      10092D23  FF91F4000000              call[ecx+000000F4h]// Function "acpiSetupDSDT" VBoxVMM (copy SLIC)
      10092D29  83C414                    addesp,00000014h// Remove stack data (5 x 32 bit)
      10092D2C  8A8E89120000              movcl,[esi+00001289h]// Variable "u8UseIOApic"
      10092D32  33C0                      xoreax,eax
      10092D34  84C9                      testcl,cl
      10092D36  7401                      jz L10092D39
      10092D38  40                        inceax
      10092D39                           L10092D39:
      10092D39  40                        inceax
      10092D3A  895C85C4                  mov[ebp+eax*4-3Ch],ebx// Invalidation of SEH-Pointer of triggered code: VBoxVMM timer
      10092D3E  895C85B4                  mov[ebp+eax*4-4Ch],ebx// Invalidation of SEH-Pointer
      10092D42  61                        popad
      10092D43  8B5DFC                    movebx,[ebp-04h]// repeat original code, which was overwritten by call to the added code
      10092D46  8D441A0F                  leaeax,[edx+ebx+0Fh]
      10092D4A  83E0F0                    andeax,FFFFFFF0h
      10092D4D  3D00000100                cmpeax,00010000h
      10092D52  C3                        retn
    The used function to add the SLIC ist this one:
    Source code:
        Log(("RSDP 0x%08X\n", find_rsdp_space()));
        addend = s->cbRamLow - 0x10000;
        Log(("RSDT 0x%08X XSDT 0x%08X\n", rsdt_addr + addend, xsdt_addr + addend));
        Log(("FACS 0x%08X FADT (1.0) 0x%08X, FADT (2+) 0x%08X\n", facs_addr + addend, fadt_acpi1_addr + addend, fadt_acpi2_addr + addend));
        Log(("DSDT 0x%08X\n", dsdt_addr + addend));
        acpiSetupRSDP((ACPITBLRSDP*)s->au8RSDPPage, rsdt_addr + addend, xsdt_addr + addend);
    ->  acpiSetupDSDT(s, dsdt_addr + addend, pDsdtCode, uDsdtSize);
        acpiCleanupDsdt(s->pDevIns, pDsdtCode);
        acpiSetupFACS(s, facs_addr + addend);
        acpiSetupFADT(s, fadt_acpi1_addr + addend, fadt_acpi2_addr + addend, facs_addr + addend, dsdt_addr + addend);
        rsdt_addrs[0] = fadt_acpi1_addr + addend;
        xsdt_addrs[0] = fadt_acpi2_addr + addend;
    Invalidating the exception handler, VBoxVMM timer function: i didn't analyze, why this was done, but i used olly debugger to see, wether the same offsets applied in version 3.1.4 (they did):

    Stack in olly debugger after call of "acpiPlantTables", but before any execution:
    034EFD6C   06F47F20  RETURN to VBoxDD.06F47F20 from VBoxDD.06F47B70
    034EFD70   0728BB10
    034EFD74   00000000
    034EFD78  /034EFDA4
    034EFD7C  |10036D1F  RETURN to VBoxVMM.10036D1F
    034EFD80  |0728BB10
    034EFD84  |009AB000
    034EFD88  |00000007
    034EFD8C  |00990000
    034EFD90  |1004BBDC  RETURN to VBoxVMM.1004BBDC from VBoxVMM.1000D9A0
    034EFD94  |00990000
    034EFD98  |00000001
    034EFD9C  |00000000
    034EFDA0  |00000001
    034EFDA4  ]034EFDCC
    034EFDA8  |100059FC  RETURN to VBoxVMM.100059FC from VBoxVMM.PDMR3Reset
    034EFDAC  |00990000
    034EFDB0  |00990000
    034EFDB4  |009AB000
    034EFDB8  |00990000
    034EFDBC  |00990000
    034EFDC0  |00990000
    034EFDC4  |00000457
    034EFDC8  |009AB000
    034EFDCC  ]034EFE0C
    034EFDD0  |100273B5  RETURN to VBoxVMM.100273B5
    Stack in olly debugger after some executions:
    034EFD1C  /034EFD2C
    034EFD20  |100843CE  RETURN to VBoxVMM.100843CE from VBoxVMM.10083E40
    034EFD24  |00990000
    034EFD28  |000003E8
    034EFD2C  ]034EFD68
    034EFD30  |06F46F1B  RETURN to VBoxDD.06F46F1B from VBoxVMM.TMTimerSet
    034EFD34  |00000009
    034EFD38  |82DE9E1C
    034EFD3C  |00000177
    034EFD40  |0728D2D0
    034EFD44  |FFFFFFFF
    034EFD48  |00000000
    034EFD4C  |3B9ACA00
    034EFD50  |00369E99
    034EFD54  |0728D2D0
    034EFD58  |00000000
    034EFD5C  |00000000
    034EFD60  |00990000
    034EFD64  |00000000
    034EFD68  ]034EFD78
    034EFD6C  |06F47F20  RETURN to VBoxDD.06F47F20 from VBoxDD.06F47B70// first line from above stack listing
    The exception handlers of the two new stack frames within VBoxVMM have to be invalidated.

    Generally: when adding the SLIC loading code to a new version of Virtual Box, make sure the offsets are still the same within the new version. Use the original code to see which ones have to be used. If they have changed, adapt them to the new ones. This includes the function call "acpiSetupDSDT" (import table, dll), the variables and the SEH-pointer offsets.

    Relocation Table: every entry is 16 bits length, 4 bits type (3, or 0 for unused) and 12 bits offset within the base. The base this time (3.1.0 and 3.1.4) was 92000, but it may change in newer versions. If there is no unused entry within the desired base, you have to add 2 entries (4 bytes) and mark one as unused (00 00).

    I hope this helps and you are able to patch the new version 3.1.6 :)
  14. dim-soft

    dim-soft MDL Novice

    Feb 24, 2008
    how to download ready .dll ?
  15. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Wait for somebody t do it & then upload?

  16. FreeStyler

    FreeStyler MDL Guru

    Jun 23, 2007
    #77 FreeStyler, Apr 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    The above directions still are good for v3.1.6
  17. user_hidden

    user_hidden MDL Expert

    Dec 18, 2007
    well with the release of 3.2.0 the vboxdd.dll from 3.1.x no longer works!
    hopefully someone can build a new one.
  18. user_hidden

    user_hidden MDL Expert

    Dec 18, 2007

    Any luck on you building a new dll for the 3.2 series ?
  19. pjuser

    pjuser MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2010
    need dll for3.2, thanks for help