If you've already downloaded them, right-click in the bottom bar of WHDownloader and select "Office MSP Extractor" to have it extract them for you.
Which one has a .reg file? About that .dll, ask Microsoft. Why not just download that one update for KB4011610 that you need and be done with it? Switch to Office 2016 if these little things bother you.
So you prefer to see 36 extra entries in WHD list for languages you don't use, rather copying one link from text file? global exe files contain all languages if exist, otherwise neutral files go blame Microsoft for design
that other guy can provide u said reg file.... ....maybe i will.... because if u weren't all that lazy you'd have miss an update out for not going through the downloaded updates and instead go straight to just clicking on that batch installer.....or just using whd to extract the msp and move all those into the updates folder and you wouldn't know any better... ...maybe i should..... *then finds out it has the exact same problem. ...* hmmmm shouldn't be too bad to skip those other entries to get to your language version....
Sexy Loli: If you don't like WHDownloader, move on and try to find something better. I'm not going to waste time responding to you.
adric: abbodi1406 already has those updates available through WHDownloader but thanks for posting them.
Hi I installed office 2019 from the IMG links posted in this forum.. I am not finding any updates for my product. Where can I find them? I have enabled give updates for other MS update. What should I do?
The updates will be auto installed then.. Due to some reason I am stuck on this version. Any possibility of forcing to update? I am on 1902(11328.20158)click to run
Have you tried opening Word then selecting File > Account > Update Options > Update? If that doesn't work, try searching/posting in this thread: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/75232/ Edit: I just tried updating and went from 11328.20158 to 11601.20178, so that should work for you. Edit 2: Another thing to check is which update channel you're on. When I installed (using YAOCTRI from abbodi1406) I chose "Monthly / Targeted". If you choose "Semi-Annual", you won't see updates available often.
Well I posted this two months ago: (apparently I need 5 posts or more to post links so will have to chop this url up....I'm sure you can figure out how to put it back together again) social.technet.microsoft com/Forums/office/en-US/c9b25dae-7e56-4154-b61b-23ca4b597cec/update-folder-for-microsoft-office-2010?forum=officesetupdeployprevious and yet to receive a reply that answers my question.... I've bumped the thread t see if he replies back or not...... Well, unfortunately for you, there is nothing better than this......unless you would like to kindly point me to one that is an equivalent alternative or better that I somehow overlooked or didn't look far enough that actually works without 404 or other errors preventing intended use?
Sexy Loli: It's Alphawaves's program. And he's busy doing other things so I don't think WHDownloader will be changing.