DISCUSSION: WHD - Office Updates

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by Alphawaves, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. malakoulis

    malakoulis MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2012
    Its VLK with an Admin folder and if i type mypath\setup.exe /admin it opens the OCT
  2. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    The new installer script only installs the .exe installers, not the extracted .msp's. The .msp extraction was useful using the old repository where the updates were privately hosted, since quite often newer .exe updates came out that didn't have all the components of the old .exe, meaning there would be a much higher load on the server to download all the relevant updates. Since the new repository method downloads directly from Microsoft, this isn't an issue. The .msp's are extracted by WHD as the .msp's can still be useful in certain circumstances.

    The reason why I chose to use the .exe method is because I can use proper Office version and architecture detection, even if not using WHD. It means people won't try to install x64 Office updates onto a x86 Office install. Of course this wouldn't work normally and an error message would appear, but the installer is silent. If this wasn't the case you would have the update progress screen flash up constantly etc.

    If people want, I can upload a trimmed down .msp installer for this integration method, it won't take much to change :). It will be like the old installer script where it will need to actively be in the folder with the .msp's. Keep in mind though there won't be version detection, since the .msp's are not labelled as such. I could also add a switch to the standard installer script to automatically exit at the end, if people think that would be useful.
  3. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    I'm not sure how to integrate Project and Visio into the installation media, at least as incorporating it into the same install. It can be done though :).

    Proper integration of Office service packs isn't as 'simple' as Windows, effectively it can't be done (without a lot of fiddling anyway). There are a lot of people that call copying the Office service pack files to the updates folder and calling that 'integration', it's not, it's really just automation of the service pack install. The updates folder can be a bit tricky though, as it only accepts .msp files. Of course, you want to install the service pack .msp files first, and the order of installing of these is important. In all likelihood using the updates folder will just make things messy.
  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    OK forget about Project and Visio, I guess your trimmed down .msp installer would resolve that, no? I mean, the installation order of SP files, right? And the order of post SP updates too, right? Please upload your script, thanks in advance.
  5. malakoulis

    malakoulis MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2012
    I have a problem with your script, since I do not install Outlook, your script (Office Updates v8) cannot find my Office installation o_O.
    I haven't tested the Quickinstall for Microsoft Office MSP Updates yet.
  6. compstuff

    compstuff MDL Senior Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Why don't you just install as I outlined previously? Place the SP2 files in the updates folder (use the pic i added to my post for a list... add other proof files as required) and then use Burf's script to install all new updates and they get released... and to answer your last question yes his script handles the order and I have now done a dozen installations since he released v7 and all are perfect.

  7. compstuff

    compstuff MDL Senior Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Since you asked the below question it leads me to believe you didn't understand my previous post?
    Did you check the links and try to create an OCT MSP file?

  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Yes at first glance I didn't get it, I am n00b to this. Then I began to study and figure out how to create an OCT msp file according to the video you kindly provided. Again, actually I can create one OCT file but it's not well crafted because it doesn't call Burf's script. Something wrong or missing am I doing.
  9. compstuff

    compstuff MDL Senior Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Later I will post a few pic's of how to add the script... start very simple with the OCT and just get a basic one to start so you can get one that works... once you have that then you can "tweak" it later... their are SOOOOOOO many granular options in the OCT that it would probably take at least an hr to go over them and I can't even find info about some of them.

  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Thanks so much, in the meanwhile let me tell you how I performed my OCT msp file:
    1. Created O2K10PostSP2x86updater folder, put all msp files and Burf's script in it.
    2. Run OCT tool, licensing KMS and added a program to run after setup finishes, I added it by browsing to O2K10PostSP2x86updater and picked up Burf's script and then created the OCT msp file in the same folder.
    3. Took OCT file and put it into Updates folder (didn't work, SP2 updates msp files where installed but post sp2 files. Burf's script never run.
    3a. On another attempt, I did a copy of OCT file and paste it at the root of installation media, just like your pics aaaaannnd nothing.
  11. compstuff

    compstuff MDL Senior Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Haven't forgotten just been crazy busy

  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Oh, no rush my friend, my main problem, by the time being, is how to fire burf's script up. But anytime, when you lower your craziness ... :p

    @burfadel or anyone
    How to achieve the above?
  13. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    On the contrary burfadel, we are glad, at least me, you are updating the script as needed. I don't get annoyed by your constant updates. BTW thank you very much for your scripts.:)