I have a question that I am sure the Genius people here can easily solve. I have WindowsHotfixDownloader and I have msdn isos of office 2013 with sp1 already in it my problem is that I want to intregrate updates post sp1 AFTER sp1 and no matter what i do i tried everything with the software it puts all the updates into the updates folder for office. When i try to install it always freezes no matter what. I am not sure what i am doing wrong can someone point me in the right direction or reccomend me another software for intregrate the post sp1 updates?
After posting this in the Windows 7 and 8.1 threads, I remembered this thread. Sorry for all the reposting! Updated Office 2013 x86 and x64 lists. The new lists contain the non-superseded updates from Patch Tuesday and this month's cumulative hotfix updates (not available through download centre or Windowsupdate). EDIT: Updated the Office 2013 lists again. I removed some unnecessary updates, and added two more hotfixes found by Komm and linked to me by abbodi1406.
I'm not getting Office 2013 updates since last Patch Tuesday from Windows Update. I checked Windows Update settings, everything is perfect. Even I've checked by disabling and enabling Windows Update settings, no luck! Some one help me please. Thanks.
Office 2010 2014/07/09: Spoiler New: Code: 982726 new 2589352 2794760 2837581 2837606 2878252 2878258 2880545 2881028 2883007 2883017 Removed: Code: 982726 old 2849977 2863819-ru-ru 2878267 2878271 2878284 2880527 2880529 2881055 2881057
Can abbodi1406 or anyone for that matter please let me know if there are a lot more superseded updates this month July for the office 2010x86 package ? When I run the downloader with the new updates list, most of my *-x-none.exe (gkall-x-none, powerpoint-x-none, oleo-x-none...) files had been superseded. Is that right? My updates package was initially downloaded with WHD 8.1.2. I'm currently running Alpha's simple one, 0.9 version. Thanks, and cheers to alpha for making the utility simple again. *I hope Microsoft stops these 500mb+ updates for office 2013 soon, it's been a while.*
Yes, you're right, thanks! My mistake, I had the option to extract the msp on the older version ticked and extracting into the same folder. That makes sense, I'm not losing any x-none required for office updates. Shouldn't have added them to the folder with the kb exe files.
burfadel is the member in charge of the Office 2013 lists and it doesn't appear he's been able to update them yet this month. Possibly he's on holiday? Not sure, but here are the changes I see that should be done to make the list current for the July '14 releases (thanks to komm for the hotfix links): 2760587 supersedes old 2760587 (outlfltr2013-kb2760587-fullfile-x86-glb) 2825683 supersedes 2880462 (osfclient2013-kb2825683-fullfile-x86-glb) 2878318 supersedes 2863871 (access2013-kb2878318-fullfile-x86-glb) 2880477 supersedes 2863897 (outexum2013-kb2880477-fullfile-x86-glb) 2880999 supersedes 2726952 (publisher2013-kb2880999-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881074 supersedes 2878313 (oart2013-kb2881074-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881075 supersedes 2881000 (powerpoint2013-kb2881075-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881080 supersedes 2881044 (word2013-kb2881080-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881082 supersedes 2880458 (onenote2013-kb2881082-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881084 supersedes 2880991 (proofloc2013-kb2881084-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881085 supersedes 2881042 (excel2013-kb2881085-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881086 supersedes 2850025 (csi2013-kb2881086-fullfile-x86-glb) 2881087 supersedes 2881018 (groove2013-kb2881087-fullfile-x86-glb) 2882986 supersedes 2880493 (project2013-kb2882986-fullfile-x86-glb) 2882991 supersedes 2881040 (outlook2013-kb2882991-fullfile-x86-glb) 2882993 supersedes 2881043 (mso2013-kb2882993-fullfile-x86-glb)
Hi folks, first i'd like to thank all the people that work in this project WHD and making it a bit easier to make the incorporation of updates in office a bit easier (Well without the burden of going the through the deployment of multiple installations of updates from Microsoft) Well i've tried the cookie method and worked great, no more WU afterwards (still trying to know if it's necessary the cookie method with the file 1_passive_x86.msp or not). Now i would like to know if it would be possible to make the same thing to work with ms project 2010/2013 and ms visio (2010/2013) both independent installations and not installed from a single office setup (i don't know if are already plan's to do this or not). Thanks for all the time and effort.
Addicted2bass: Can't you just install visioloc2010-kb2880526 / visio2013-kb2878322 and project2010-kb2880537 / project2013-kb2882986 updates to silence WU? If you install all the Office updates, nothing should show in WU. I'm not familiar with the "cookie method" to suppress updates in WU (nor exactly what it is you're trying to accomplish). Can you post a little more info? ------------ abbodi1406: Ah, thanks for the clarification on what fkar was looking for.
PointZero, well it was a solution that abbodi1406 provided (page 9 of this topic by request of mr-x if i read it correctly) that provided a cookie file along with a custom msp (1_passive_x86.msp or 1_quiet_x86) to locate the post-sp2 updates folder. Like i said still trying to see if it is indeed necessary or if the method of creating a new msp with a new update folder (ex.o2k2010postsp2) located on Installationdir would run burfadel script and silent WU. (back to the vm to try the solution once again ) I'll try the solution you mentioned, just installating those kb's after installation of project or visio and if not i'll probably make a list of the needed updates after those installations and post back to see if someone would be so kind to make an list for them . Just a side note the installation of visio or project before the office won't work for me since not all the people in my environment use it/need it, but i appreciate the suggestion. Microsoft Deployment tools would probably to this job but i never used it, besides some trial runs. Thanks for the help and sorry for the long reply.
Thank you for pointing that out. I was about to make a separate topic regarding that. It's so difficult to keep a track of Office 2013 updates that it's beyond funny. Every month there is a huge update file. I bet Microsoft's update mechanism for Office 2013 after SP1 has become flawed. It feels that they are releasing entire office suite in each update.
If by separate topic you mean a new thread then is not necessary. This current thread created by Alphawaves is the right thread to discuss anything regarding Office Updates as the name well suggests. And what your feelings are telling are just certain. These updates are so huge and annoying just by its size. Ugly, ugly... ugly.