Downloading all lists isn't an issue, it ensures people have the latest lists. The lists aren't a large download, it could hardly be described as 'an issue'. The .wh format is because the lists are encrypted. This was added by Alphawaves to stop others stealing the lists and using it themselves, which is fair enough. The information in the lists are added manually, abbodi doing most of the work and me doing the Office 2013 lists. There is no other software compatible with the lists, and that's how Alphawaves, Abbodi, and myself want it . It's a collaboration of effort between all of us, and also assistance from Komm (and whoever else I might have missed). If there is an issue with the downloader, just make constructive criticism in that thread. Constructive criticism is something important in life, not just online, it's a great thing to learn .
First of all I must congratulate you for the effort you have invested in this project. Could you send me the link for the test script (install is not silenced) of the Office Update Installer, so I can pinpoint what is going on with the updates during their installation? I have a problem that not all updates are being installed. Another thing, does the installer create any log file of the installed updates? Thank you.
Open the script you have with notepad and replace: Code: /quiet with Code: /passive the installation log usually found in %temp% directory
I know that, there is the office installer log, but it doesn't give me any specific info about the updates Burf's script installs. I was asking if Burf's script generates any log on its own?
Here is what I have found out, so others can solve their similar problems with installing updates. In the beginning I have used a silenced burf's Office Update Installer script implemented with OCT in the secondary update folder which installs updates after the installation of the SP2 (inserted in Update folder). The problem was that I didn't know (because nothing alerted me, I mean no window) the installation of updates was still performing in the background after the office installer window showed the installation was completed. So not all updates I have included in the folder were installed. With the passive (not silenced script) after the main office installation completed the windows for single update pop-up and it took about 20 minutes to complete all the updates. It also happened that during the installation of this updates there was a pause with no window or anything else and I thought that the installation of the updates was completed, but after 2-5 minutes the windows of the rest of the updates pop-up and continued the installation. So be patient. Only two of all updates (downloaded with WHD) didn't get installed and these are KB2863933 and KB2899488, which I think are for Office Project. I have then checked for updates with WU and no updates were needed. I my opinion if anyone who uses burf's script implemented in the main installation (updates are installed at the end of the Office installation) it's better to use the passive version (not silenced). So you can monitor and see when the installation of updates is completed. Even thought that pause I have mentioned earlier confuses me a bit. What do you think abbodi1406 or burfadel???? If the installer (any version) is used independently there should not be a problem since the command prompt window shows the complete installation process, at least I think it works that way, I didn't tried it independently.
How are you aware that the updates aren't being installed? If the installer seems to go quick over some updates, it's likely that you have already got those installed. It is actually possible to add an update install check to the installer, but the benefit of doing so is minimal. Maybe on day . I want to take the Windows Update Installer off the back burner before adding features to the Office installer.
Ok, anyway I would be better if it generates only one log file than multiple. I agree, but first I have used the silenced script and when I have rebooted the computer I have stopped the installation. With the passive one I can see when the updates are installed. Thanks. I have tried those links but they were dead. I have downloaded them, now, but I cannot extract the files out from the compressed file. I have WinRAR, do I need 7z? If it's an update than the window with progress bar would show up. Maybe is really some sort of preparing as you mentioned.
I have included the script with OCT so that is run at the end of the office installation. When the main office installation have finished, nothing alerted me that the updates were installing. Of course I should know that, but you know if its not written to wait for the process to finish.... I didn't say that the installer go quick over some updates, but that nothing (no window with progress bar) was showing for 2-5 minutes. When the installer go quick over some updates at least the install window shows and closes up fast. I don't dissagree with you, just explaining how the process was running for me. At least something to alert people that updates are still installing, because I have rebooted the PC therefor not all update got installed. Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean with the last statement.
That would be very difficult i persume And when the CMD window is visible, you will also see the updates installed one by one in count (although you wouldn't see each one progress) WinRAR can open .7z, check the downloaded file hash: Code: 7ccb9e4dc1c853a294723960ecfa3b9ac8c85c8a *O14POSTSP2x86.7z 12a7fea866ae96b2ff710570e67a6e12f3f315c2 *O14POSTSP2x64.7z
Uploaded the November lists for Office 2013. The hotfix article is currently missing (Microsoft has linked it somewhere but it doesn't work), annoyingly the Office 2010 link on the same article does work! and there are hotfixes for Office 2010.
Office 2010 List is updated Spoiler 2014/11/11: Added: Code: access2010-kb2899528 csi2010-kb2837602 excel2010-kb2899533 gfonts2010-kb2589386 graph2010-kb2687275 mso2010-kb2899536 olcoscoutlook2010-kb2726880 outlfltr2010-kb2899521 outlookloc2010-kb2899491 powerpoint2010-kb2878251 project2010-kb2899539 proofloc2010-kb2889828 word2010-kb2899538 Removed: Code: access2010-kb2880519 csigroove2010-kb2794746 excel2010-kb2899483 mso2010-kb2899484 osc2010-kb2863936 outlfltr2010-kb982726 outlook2010-kb2889900 outlookloc2010-kb2889833 project2010-kb2899488 proof2010-kb2687502 en-us proofloc2010-kb2881028 word2010-kb2883013
Updated the Office 2013 lists with the relevant hotfixes. Here is the changelog for this month's updates: Code: ================================================================= 2014/11/13: Added: ace2013-kb2825687 excel2013-kb2899566 mso2013-kb2899567 project2013-kb2899569 word2013-kb2899568 Removed: excel2013-kb2899509 mso2013-kb2899493 word2013-kb2899500 ================================================================= 2014/11/11: Added: access2013-kb2863859 clview2013-kb2837654 csi2013-kb2899510 excel2013-kb2899509 groove2013-kb2899513 lync2013-kb2899507 mso2013-kb2899493 osfclient2013-kb2881008 outlfltr2013-kb2899506 outlook2013-kb2899504 powerpoint2013-kb2889936 proofloc2013-kb2889857 visio2013-kb2899497 word2013-kb2899500 Removed: access2013-kb2889947 csi2013-kb2752080 excel2013-kb2889952 groove2013-kb3000731 lync2013-kb2889860 mso2013-kb2889916 osfclient2013-kb2883091 outlfltr2013-kb2760587 outlook2013-kb2986204 powerpoint2013-kb2889867 proofloc2013-kb2883060 word2013-kb2889954 visio2013-kb2889928